ASP Full Form

ASP Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 20, 2023 11:11 AM IST

What is the full form of ASP ?

The full form of ASP is Active server pages. It is a server page that consists of the embedded program, which is processed on a Microsoft server to build web pages. The ASP server reads and executes the code and returns it to the browser. The primary function of this page is to allow HTML programmers to build websites on Microsoft.ASP is faster and more dynamic than any other languages like JSP and PHP. The URL should end with .asp for ASP is a part of HTML (Hypertext Mark-up Language), so it will run on every browser.ASP makes it easy to create, change and upgrade web applications.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of ASP ?
  2. History of ASP
  3. Advantages of ASP
  4. Disadvantages of ASP
  5. Applications of ASP
  6. Features of ASP
ASP Full Form
ASP Full Form

ASP supports various programming languages such as javascript and C and can create any ASP file by including JScript or VBScript in HTML.

History of ASP

  • In December 1996, ASP was introduced as ASP 1.0 as a part of IIS 3.0.

  • ASP 2.0 was introduced in 1997.

  • ASP 3.0 was introduced in 2000 with additional features.

Advantages of ASP

  • ASP reduces the line of code for constructing the complex applications.

  • It has smart caching technology.

  • ASP is language independent so any language can be used for coding it.

  • ASP is much faster than other packages.

  • ASP is more used now-a-days.

Disadvantages of ASP

  • There is lots of complexity in pages and there are numerous performance troubles.

  • It is not dependent on IIS (Internet Information Services ) so it's a problem.

  • It has restrained development and debugging tools.

  • There is no real nation management in ASP.

Applications of ASP

  • It is used to develop websites in an efficient way.

  • It is also used to create web APIs

  • It is used to combine server code with HTML

  • It helps to add video links to the social sites.

Features of ASP

  1. It is safe and secured as the code is hidden and can't be viewed in a browser.

  2. Any data can be accessed.

  3. The content of the web page can be changed.

  4. Requests submitted through HTML Forms are answerable.

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