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What is Careers360 QnA
Careers360’s QnA is a user-generated question and answer platform that helps students in making informed career decisions
Our mission is to bring great ideas, students, and resources together. We seek to achieve this mission by creating the best education platform on the internet for any given question related to careers, exam preparation, college admission etc. so that students can make the choices that are right for them.
How to use
Ask questions when you have them -
1. Questions should be written to retain reusable information and provide helpful answers to similar questions
2. Questions need to be a maximum of 140 characters long
3. Make sure the question is tagged with all the relevant topics
4. Write a brief description (this is optional) as it helps others understand your question
Answer a question -
1. Good answers are helpful to both the original poster of the question and to others who have the same question in future.
2. Your opinion matters
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4. Comment on an answer to reply/post your opinion
5. Follow Topics
6. When you follow a topic, questions and answers tagged with that topic will appear in QnA feed
1. Post questions related to education and career.
2. Be clear and concise when asking a question. Try avoiding chat lingo.
3. Ensure that your write up is easy to read, meaningful and informative.
4. The answer is helpful when credible and sincerely to address the question that was asked.
5. Answer a question so that others benefit from your knowledge, opinions, or personal experiences.
6. Assume that other people have their own knowledge/background. Be respectful and considerate when commenting on an answer.
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Reporting Problems
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