Population Growth: Definition, Meaning Characteristics, Classification, Types, Examples

Population Growth: Definition, Meaning Characteristics, Classification, Types, Examples

Edited By Irshad Anwar | Updated on Sep 19, 2024 11:54 AM IST

Population growth can be defined as an increase in the number of individuals in a population over time. It is one of the simple biological processes that sustain many factors and hence has immense effects on the shaping of ecosystems, societies, and global trends.

Definition Of Population Growth

Population growth refers to a change in population size over a given period. It is usually measured by births, natality, deaths, mortality, immigration, and emigration. It is mostly expressed as a percentage or rate of change to the original population size.

Importance Of Understanding Population Dynamics

The importance of studying population dynamics is manifold. This study in ecology affects several areas within ecosystems, such as the interaction with other species or competition for the same food.

Resource Management: Understanding the growth rates helps in the management of the available natural resources of food, water, and energy in a sustainable manner.

Public Health: Population dynamics can affect health care demand, the spread of diseases, and the deliberate set-up of health care infrastructural setup.

Social and Economic Planning: These demographic trends bear on employment, education, housing, and other social services.

Environmental Sustainability: Growth affects environmental degradation, and the loss of biodiversity, and mitigates climate change.

Types Of Population Growth

The increase in population can be divided into several types, all having different patterns and characteristics. This paper considers two main models: exponential growth and logistic growth.

Exponential Growth

Exponential growth describes the increase of population where the growth rate remains constant per unit of time, which leads to a continually increasing rate of growth. In such an increase, it is assumed that the conditions are perfect, resources are limitless, and there are no factors that stop the population from growing.

  • The growth rate is proportional to the size of the population.

  • There are no considerations for environmental resistance factors or, in other words, limiting factors.

  • Common in introduced species or under controlled conditions.

This Story also Contains
  1. Definition Of Population Growth
  2. Types Of Population Growth
  3. Factors Affecting Population Growth
  4. Population Growth Models
  5. Human Population Growth
  6. Consequences Of Rapid Population Growth
  7. Additional Factors Influencing Population Fluctuation
  8. The Recommended Video On Population Growth:
Population Growth: Definition, Meaning Characteristics, Classification, Types, Examples
Population Growth: Definition, Meaning Characteristics, Classification, Types, Examples

Logistic Growth

The population increases exponentially at first, then slows down and levels off at its carrying capacity due to the limiting factors in the environment. The carrying capacity is the highest number of a population an environment can support indefinitely.

Carrying capacity is the highest number of organisms of a given species that an environment or ecosystem can continuously support. It's usually determined by factors like the availability of food, space, and environmental conditions.

  • The growth rate slows down as the population approaches carrying capacity.

  • It emulates real-world scenarios where there is a limit to the resources.

  • It is important to understand sustainable population management and conservation efforts.

Factors Affecting Population Growth

Some of the important forces behind population growth include birth rate, death rate, immigration, and emigration.

Natality (Birth Rate)

Natality refers to the number of births in a population in one year, generally expressed as births per 1,000 persons per year.

Factors that Affect Birth Rate:

  • Fertility Rate: Number of children born per child-bearing-age woman.

  • Age Structure: Proportion of the population in childbearing age groups.

  • Socioeconomic Factors: Availability of health care, education, and economic opportunities.

Mortality (Death Rate)

Mortality is the number of deaths in a population over some time, usually given as deaths per 1,000 persons per year.

Factors that Influence the Death Rate:

  • Access to Health Care: Availability and quality of medical care.

  • Nutrition and Sanitation: Good nutrition and clean water keep mortality rates low.

  • Diseases and Epidemics: The rate of mortality is affected by outbreaks of certain diseases.

  • Environmental Conditions: Climate, pollution, natural disasters.

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Immigration refers to the process of movement of persons or populations to a new habitat or country from their original habitat or country.

Effects on Population Growth:

  • Immigration caused a direct increase in the total population size of the receiving area/country.

  • They thus bring genetic diversity that has the potential to enrich the gene pool of the population in which they settle.

  • Genetic diversity is good for the long-term viability, adaptability, and resilience of a population faced with changes and challenges in their environment.

  • Immigration can bring about immense economic and cultural impacts locally:

  • Some of the immigrants help to join the workforce, filling the labour gaps mostly in sectors that have a deficit of labour.

  • Others open new businesses, hence creating jobs, and thereby increasing economic growth through consumption and taxing.

  • Immigrants introduce cultural diversity: new ways of living, traditions, languages, etc. into the host population.

  • Cultural diversity is a remover of society but also can be the cause of social crises if integration policy is not arranged accordingly.

  • Amongst these, the integration process will include social and political processes to integrate immigrants into the population.

  • Successful integration requires effort in education, learning of the language, job creation opportunities, and social cohesion measures that may enable mutual understanding and respect.


Emigration is the process by which individuals or populations move out from their current habitat or country into another area or country.

Effects on the Growth of Population:

  • Emigration reduces the population size of the source area or country.

  • Emigration can result in skilled labour being lost from the source population, particularly in the case when highly skilled persons emigrate.

  • Such emigration brings about loss to the sectors related to economic activity that rely on specialised skills and knowledge; this may have a bearing on economic growth and development.

  • Out-migration of people, particularly skilled labour, can affect economic stability in the sending region.

  • This might cause labour shortages, and lower productivity in specific industries and hence may affect the local employment and wage rates.

  • Emigration changes the demographic structure in both sending and receiving regions:

  • The out-migration of people, particularly young adults or the working-age population, may alter population age structure and dependency ratios.

Population Growth Models

Population growth models provide frameworks to understand how populations change over time. Here, we explore two primary models: exponential growth and logistic growth.

Exponential Growth Model

Exponential growth in a population occurs when the population has a constant rate of change per unit of time, and this would therefore be accelerating. It assumes perfect conditions in which resources are unlimited and nothing hinders population growth.

In many natural and human phenomena, the increase is exponential. For example:

  • Growth of bacteria in a very hospitable laboratory setting.

  • Invasive species populations in ecosystems without their predators.

  • Human population growth during the ages of industrialisation and medicine.

Logistic Growth Model

Logistic growth most accurately defines a way that populations increase exponentially at first, due to environmental factors, then slow down and stabilise around a carrying capacity, K.

Logistic growth applies to humans in many ways:

  • Urban population growth is restricted by housing availability and other urban infrastructure.

  • Agricultural populations are limited by arable land and water resources.

  • Wildlife populations are in areas under conservation where habitat space is limited and food is finite.

Human Population Growth

Human population growth has varied drastically across history. For most of human history, population growth was very slow due to high mortality and limited resources. The discovery of agriculture about 10,000 years ago provided a more stable food supply that gradually increased population growth. It was the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century that envisioned, with advances in medicine, sanitation, and technology, a much further increase in growth.

The global population is still rising today, although at varying rates across different regions. High growth rates characterise developing countries, most of which are in Africa and parts of Asia. This is occasioned by a higher total fertility rate and better healthcare in those regions. Most of the developed countries have low or even negative growth rates characterised by ageing populations and a lower birth rate. This has led greatly to divergent growth of global resources and the environment. While highly increasing populations in certain parts of the globe can be accompanied by overexploitation of resources, environmental degradation, and rising carbon emissions, the counterpart is economic stagnation and a lack of able-bodied workforce in those countries with falling populations. The proper management of these trends is indispensable for sustainable development and world stability.

Consequences Of Rapid Population Growth

The effect of rapid population growth may therefore be that the pressure on basic resources such as food, water, and energy will rise. Such increased demand may result in the shortage of these natural resources or over-extract them, thereby putting additional pressure on already prevalent food insecurity, water scarcity, and energy crises.

Combined with population growth, the degradation of the environment becomes more marked. Deforestation accelerates to accommodate further agriculture as well as the expansion of the cities. Pollution from industries increases, household pollution goes up, and so does the loss of habitat that puts biodiversity under threat, leading to an upset in ecological balance.

Faster population growth is bound to exert greater pressure on the social infrastructure, such that cities are congested and healthcare and educational institutions become overstretched. Inadequate public services reduced quality of life, and problems in resource and opportunity distribution will be the emanations from this strain.

Additional Factors Influencing Population Fluctuation

The additional factors are described below:

Population Density Formula

The population density at a given time ( t ) can be calculated using the formula:

Pt = P0 + (N+I) − (M+E)


( Pt ) is the population density at time ( t )

( P0 ) is the initial population density.

( N ) is the number of births (natality).

( I ) is the number of immigrants.

( M ) is the number of deaths (mortality).

( E ) is the number of emigrants.

This is a formula that involves the dynamism of population change over time and, therefore, can consider all major factors contributing to increases and decreases in population. It can be applied in any sphere that requires population fortunes to be predicted or managed in areas such as ecology, demography, and urban planning.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is population growth and why is it important?

Population increase is natural growth in numbers by individuals in a given population. It is important in that it has effects on resource allocation and influences economic development with impacts on the environment.

2. What factors contribute to population growth?

Key factors include natality (birth rate), mortality (death rate), immigration, and emigration.

3. How does immigration affect population growth?

It increases the population size by increasing the number of people in a given population, which in turn provides demographic and cultural diversity.

4. What are the consequences of rapid population growth?

Large populations growing at a high rate may strain resources, the environment, infrastructure, healthcare, and education.

5. What strategies can be used to manage population growth?

Effective strategies would then include family planning, education with empowerment, particularly of women, and government policies enshrining sustainable development.


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