Pesticides meaning: Pesticides are chemical substances that are intended to kill insects. Generally, an insecticide is a chemical or agent such as a virus, bacterial, antimicrobial, or disinfectant that prevents, ineffective, kills, insects. The use of pesticides is a very common term that this term is often treated in the same way as the plant protection method.It is often used to control or control various agricultural pests that can damage crops and livestock and reduce farm productivity. The most widely used pesticides are insecticides, herbicides, weed control rodents and fungicides to control fungi, fungi and fungus.
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Pesticides are not the latest inventions! Many ancient societies used pesticides to protect their pesticides for plants from pests and insects. The ancient Sumerians used basic sulfur to protect their names of pesticides for plants from pests. During the period, medieval farmers experimented with chemicals using arsenic, leading to conventional crops. The Chinese use arsenic and mercury compounds to control lice and other insects. Meanwhile, in the nineteenth century, researchers focused on natural techniques that included combinations made from the roots of tropical vegetables and chrysanthemums.
In 1939, Dichloro-Diphenyl-Trichloroethane (DDT) was discovered, and it is now widely used and widely used as a chemical pesticides in the world. However, two decades later, due to biological effects and human safety, DDT is banned in nearly 86 countries. Any object or mixture of substances used to prevent and destroy any pest, including vectors of human disease ,animal disease, unwanted species of natural pesticides for plants and animals, causing temporary or permanent damage or disrupting the production, processing, storage, transport or marketing of food, agricultural products , wood and timber products or animal feed, or items that can be given to animals to control insects, arachnids, or other insects in their body or body.
This is organized by the types of pests that kill themselves:
Collected By Types Of Insects That Kill Them
Insecticides - insects
Herbicides - plants
Rodenticides - mice (mice and rats)
Bactericides - germs
Fungicides - molds
Larvicides - larvae
Depending on how they are rotten Pesticides can also be considered:
1.Decaying rot:
Decaying species are those that can be separated from bacteria and other organisms into harmless substances.
While persistent it is what can take months or years to break down.
One way to differentiate these is to consider those that are chemical types or derived from a common source or method of production.
Most of the organophosphates are insecticides, and they affect the nervous system by disrupting an enzyme that regulates the neurotransmitter of humans.
Like organophosphorus pesticides, carbamate pesticides also affect the nervous system by disrupting the neurotransmitter-regulating enzyme. However, the effects of the enzyme are often reversed.
3.Organochlorine insecticides:
They were widely used in the past, but now many countries have removed Organochlorine pesticides from their market because of their health and environmental effects and persistence (e.g., DDT, chlordane, and toxaphene).
They are designed in such a way that they increase their environmental stability.
5.Sulfonylurea herbicides:
Sulfonylureas herbicides are marketed for weed control such as pyrithiobac-sodium, cyclosulfamuron, bispyribac-sodium, terbacil, sulfometuron-methyl Sulfosulfuron, rimsulfuron, pyrazosulfuron-ethyl, imazosulfuron, nicosulfuron oxas, oxas-sulfas , ethoxysulfuron, chlorimuron-ethyl, bensulfuron-methyl, azimsulfuron and amidosulfuron.
6.Biopesticides examples:
Biopesticides are specific types of pesticides found in natural pesticides substances such as animals, plants, bacteria and certain minerals.
Fungicides,Herbicides and Insecticides are some of the pesticides examples of Pesticides
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Political,Economical,Social and Technological factors
Benefits of pesticides
The great advantage of pesticides is that they can save farmers. By protecting plants from insects and other insects. However, below are some of its key benefits.
Pest control chemicals and vascular disease.
Control of human/animal disease and pests and pathogens.
Controlling substances that damage other human activities and structures.
These toxic chemicals are designed to be deliberately released from the environment. Although each pesticides is designed to kill a particular pest, a very large percentage of the pesticides reach elsewhere without their purpose. Instead, they get into the air, water, soil, and end up with our food. Pesticides have been linked to health risks, ranging from short-term side effects such as headaches and nausea to chronic side effects such as cancer, birth defects. The use of this also reduces the normal variability in the soil. In the absence of chemicals in the soil there is a higher amount of soil, and this allows for higher water retention, which is necessary for the plants to grow
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Biopesticides are specific types of pesticides found in natural pesticides substances such as animals, plants, bacteria and certain minerals. For example, canola oil and baking soda have the use of pesticides and are considered biopesticides.
Biopesticides fall into three major categories:
Chemical pesticides are natural phenomena that control insects in a non-toxic way. The most common pesticides, on the other hand, are usually synthetic materials that directly or indirectly kill the pest. Chemical pesticides include insect-borne pathogens, such as insect-borne pheromones, and the release of various fragrant plants that attract traps.
Active ingredient in a microbial pesticides is an microorganism
Infectious pesticides can control many types of insects, although each active ingredient is very different from its own insecticide. For example, there are fungi that control certain weeds and other fungi that kill certain insects.
The most widely used pesticides are subspecies and species Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt.
While some Bt ingredients control moth worms found in plants, some Bt ingredients are designed for fly and mosquito larvae.
Plant-Incorporated-Protectants (PIPs) are plant-based pesticides that have been added to the plant.
For example, scientists can take a gene for the Bt protein that kills pesticides and then introduce the gene into plant genes. Then the plant, instead of the Bt bacteria, does something that kills the insect. Proteins and their genes, but not the plant itself, are regulated by the EPA.
Biopesticides are generally more toxic than conventional pesticides. Biopesticides usually only affect targeted insects and closely related organisms, in contrast to the wide range, common pesticides that can affect organisms such as birds, insects and mammals. Biopesticides usually work in very small amounts and tend to decompose quickly, resulting in lower exposure and more avoidance of pollution problems caused by conventional pesticides.
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NCERT Chemistry Notes:
Pesticides have the potential to damage the nervous system, the reproductive system, and the endocrine system.
Pest control chemicals
Mechanical pest control chemicals
A toxic trap
Insecticides - insects.
Herbicides - plants.
Rodenticides - mice (mice and rats)
Bactericides - germs.
Fungicides - molds.
Larvicides - larvae.
Pesticides are very dangerous to human health. Pesticides have been shown to cause fertility and development, cancer, kidney and liver damage, endocrine disorders, etc.
Pesticides are insecticides and are designed to kill insects - a trace in the name. Pesticides include insecticides, plants (herbicides) and fungi / fungi (fungicides).
01 Feb'25 11:59 AM
09 Dec'24 11:41 AM
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30 Sep'24 08:55 AM
Hello aspirant,
A diploma in agriculture is required in order to obtain a license to use pesticides and fertilizers.
It is explicitly stated that a Bachelor of Agriculture or Diploma in Agriculture degree is required in order to obtain a license for a new fertilizer or pesticide store.
Thank you
Correct Answer: Both statement 1 and statement 2 are true, and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1 .
Solution : The correct option is (A) Both statement 1 and statement 2 are true, and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1 .
Statement 1 is true: Sustainable agriculture practices do aim to minimize the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, promote soil conservation, and ensure food security. Sustainable agriculture focuses on long-term environmental and social sustainability, considering the economic viability of farming practices as well. It involves the use of organic and natural fertilizers, integrated pest management, crop rotation, agroforestry, and other techniques that reduce reliance on synthetic inputs and prioritize soil health and biodiversity. The goal is to achieve productive and resilient agricultural systems while minimizing negative impacts on the environment.
Statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1. Sustainable agriculture practices do reduce the negative impacts of conventional farming on the environment and human health. Conventional farming, which relies heavily on synthetic inputs like fertilizers and pesticides, can contribute to soil degradation, water pollution, biodiversity loss, and human health risks associated with chemical exposure. By adopting sustainable agriculture practices, farmers can mitigate these negative impacts. For example, reducing synthetic inputs helps protect water quality, promotes beneficial insects and pollinators, and decreases the risk of pesticide residues in food. Sustainable agriculture practices also prioritize soil health, leading to improved soil fertility, water retention, and resilience to climate change.
Both statements are true, and statement 2 provides the correct explanation for statement 1.
Correct Answer: monitoring
Solution : The most appropriate choice is the second option.
In the context of bird conservation, it's crucial to monitor bird populations to assess their status and any emerging threats. The word "monitoring" means keeping an eye on or observing something over time, which is a key part of conservation efforts.
Correct Answer: Both statement 1 and statement 2 are true.
Solution : The correct answer is (a) Both statement 1 and statement 2 are true.
Horticulture does indeed play a vital role in promoting environmental sustainability. It involves the cultivation of fruits, vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants, which contribute to biodiversity, conservation of plant genetic resources, and ecological balance. Horticulture also promotes sustainable practices such as minimizing the use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, thereby reducing environmental pollution and promoting healthier ecosystems.
Correct Answer: If both I and II follow
Solution : Given:
Extensive use of pesticides in agricultural production contaminates soil and water, remains in the crops, and finally enters the food chain, thereby posing a threat to human beings.
I. Excessive use of pesticides in agricultural production is not good for people – From the given statement, it is evident that extensive use of pesticides in agricultural production when entering the food chain, poses a threat to human beings. Pesticides in the food chain will directly harm the health of people.
II. Excessive use of pesticides in agricultural production can have a bad effect on water – From the given statement, it is evident that extensive use of pesticides in agricultural production when used in the soil will also contaminate the groundwater which people use for drinking purposes.
So, both I and II follow. Hence, the fourth option is correct.