- Introduction and Course Overview
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Bits and Bytes: Fundamental computer number systems
- Setting up a compiler for C++
- Choosing an Editor (Lengthy Optional Video)
- Using a lightweight IDE to write our first program
- Using VIM to write our first program (Optional Video)
- Using CLION IDE to write our first program (Optional video)
Comprehensive Software Development Using C++
Gain the skills and expertise in the software development operations utilizing various programming concepts including ...Read more
₹ 2899
Quick Facts
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Medium of instructions
Mode of learning
Self study
Mode of Delivery
Video and Text Based
Course overview
Dylan Curry Professional C++ & Python Developer designed the Comprehensive Software Development Using C++ certification course, which is available on Udemy and aims to provide a deep overview of the major software development ideas using the C++ programming language. The Comprehensive Software Development Using C++ online course by Udemy covers the fundamental principles and strategies of software development, as well as topics such as data structures and algorithms.
The Comprehensive Software Development Using C++ online classes are structured into three portions, where the first section introduces students to the fundamentals of C++ and computer science. The second section covers basic C++ programming principles, while the third section concentrates solely on data structures and algorithms, such as linked lists and trees. Participants will also be taught about topics like polymorphism, encapsulation, inheritance, virtual memory layout, virtual address, dynamic programming, recurrence reactions, dynamic memory, control structures, and many more.
The highlights
- Certificate of completion
- Self-paced course
- 41.5 hours of pre-recorded video content
- 3 downloadable resources
Program offerings
- Online course
- 30-day money-back guarantee
- Unlimited access
- Accessible on mobile devices and tv
Course and certificate fees
Fees information
certificate availability
certificate providing authority
Who it is for
What you will learn
After completing the Comprehensive Software Development Using C++ online certification, participants will gain a thorough understanding of software development principles utilizing the C++ programming language. Participants will learn about computer science theory, including hex, binary, octal, logic, and more, as well as various data structures and techniques such as linked lists, AVL trees, and hash tables. Participants will learn about algorithm analysis, dynamic programming, object-oriented programming, polymorphism, encapsulation, and inheritance. Participants will also learn about virtual memory and debuggers, as well as the many development environments possible.
The syllabus
Introduction and Setup (Beginners shouldn't skip this section)
In-Depth Programming Concepts using C++
- Hello World Deep Dive Part 1
- Hello World Deep Dive Part 2
- Variables and Data Types Part 1
- Variables and Data Types Part 2
- How to make Variables
- Logic Part 1
- Logic Part 2
- Conditional Statements Part 1
- Conditional Statements Part 2
- Conditional Statements Part 3
- Arithmetic Operators Part 1
- Arithmetic Operators Part 2
- Memory and Containers Introduction
- Arrays
- Strings Part 1
- Strings Part 2
- Input Part 1
- Input Part 2
- Input Part 3
- Input Part 4
- Practice Problems 1
- While Loops Part 1
- While Loops Part 2
- While Loops Challenge (Part 3)
- For Loops Part 1
- For Loop Practice (Part 2)
- Functions Part 1
- Functions Part 2
- Functions Challenge (Part 3)
- Functions Part 4
- Functions Part 5
- A Deeper Look at Virtual Memory
- Pointers and Dynamic Memory 1
- Pointers and Dynamic Memory 2
- Pointers and Dynamic Memory 3
- Dynamically Allocated Arrays
- Nested Loops
- 2 Dimensional Arrays (Matrices)
- Dynamic 2d Arrays
- Formatting Console Output
- Project 1
- File Streams
- Command Line Arguments
- Exceptions
- Vectors 1
- Vectors 2
- Programming Challenge (Sorting)
- BubbleSort
- A Better BubbleSort
- InsertionSort
- Programming Challenge (Searching)
- Sequential Search
- Binary Search
- Graphical Debuggers (CLion)
- Command Line Debuggers (GDB)
- Project 2
- Introduction to Abstract Data Types
- Structs 1
- Structs 2
- Object Oriented Programming 1
- Object Oriented Programming 2
- Object Oriented Programming 3
- Object Oriented Programming 4
- Destructors and Dynamically Allocated Objects
- Copy Constructors and Smart Pointers
- A Bit More on Smart Pointers
- Overloaded Operators (Intro and Assignment Operator)
- Overloaded Operators (Addition and Subtraction)
- Overloaded Operators (Equality)
- Overloaded Operators (Input and Output)
- Inheritance (Introduction and UML)
- Inheritance (Part 2)
- Project 3
- Polymorphism (Part 1)
- Polymorphism (Part 2)
- Function Templates (Part 1)
- Function Templates (Part 2)
- Class Templates
- Project 4
Data Structures and Algorithms
- Big O Notation
- Linked Lists 1
- Linked Lists 2
- Linked Lists 3
- Linked Lists 4 (Intro to Doubly Linked Lists)
- Linked List Challenge 1
- Linked List Challenge 1 Solution
- Making a better Append Function and Adding an Insertion Function (Linked Lists)
- Linked List Challenge 2
- Linked List Challenge 2 Solution
- Hash Tables
- Project 5
- Recursion
- Binary Search Trees 1
- Binary Search Trees 2
- K-th Smallest Value in a BST
- AVL Trees 1
- AVL Trees 2
- AVL Trees 3
- AVL Trees 4
- AVL Trees 5
- Heaps
- Delete and Heapify
- Heap Build
- Stacks and Queues 1
- Stacks and Queues 2
- Graphs
- Depth First Search 1
- Depth First Search 2
- Topological Sort
- Project 6
- Project 6 Solution
- Breadth First Search 1
- Breadth First Search 2
- Level Order Traversal of a BST
- Analysis of Algorithms 1 (Revisiting Big O Notation)
- Iterative Analysis and Summations
- Recursive Analysis and Recurrence Relations
- Analyzing Recursive Binary Search
- Using the Smoothness Rule
- Introduction to Optimization
- Dynamic Programming 1
- The Greedy Method (Optimal Change Problem 1)
- Dynamic Programming 2 (Optimal Change Problem 2)
- Dynamic Programming 3 (Optimal Change Problem 3)
- 01 Knapsack Problem 1
- 01 Knapsack Problem 2
Wrapping Everything up and Next steps for Students
- What should you do now? (Tips/Advice)