- Setup your SAS Environment with SAS WPS Analytics
- Setup your SAS Environment with SAS University Edition
Complete SAS Programming Bootcamp 2019: Go from zero to hero
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Self study
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Video and Text Based
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The syllabus
Setting Up Your SAS Environment and Download the Data!
Welcome to the world of SAS!
- What can you do with SAS?
- What is a SAS Program? How does the syntax work in SAS?
- SAS Libraries (Libname Statement)
- What is a SAS Data Set? Proc Contents and Proc Print
- Types of Variables in SAS
- Filter data using the WHERE statement - Operators (Logic, Comparison, Arithmetic
- Special Operators for the WHERE statement
- What is a SAS Format?
- Dates and Date Formats in SAS
- Creating a user-defined format using Proc Format
- Ordering data and creating reports by Groups using the BY statement
- Improve the aesthetics of a report adding Titles, Footnotes, Labels.
Data Manipulation I (Learn to use the powerful Data Step!)
- Learn to read a SAS Data Set with the Data Step
- Creating Variables and Filtering Variables with the KEEP & DROP statements
- Difference between filtering with the WHERE and Subsetting IF statements
- Adding Permanent Attributes using the LABEL, FORMAT, and LENGTH statements
- How does Data Step Processing works?
- Using simple functions and learning to get frequencies using PROC FREQ
- Process data conditionally using IF-THEN/ELSE statements
- Execute multiple statements conditionally using DO and END statements
Summarizing Character and Numeric Data! (Proc Freq, Means, Univariate)
- Summarize Character Data in Frequencies using Proc Freq!
- Create Contingency Tables (2x2 table) with Proc Freq!
- Summarize Numeric Variables with Proc Means (N Mean Median Std Min Max etc..)
- Summarize Numeric Data (Proc Univariate: Quantiles, Central Tendency Measures)
Importing Data (Excel, CSV, Tab) in different formats/structures
- Using the PUT function to convert Numeric Variable to Character Variable
- Using INPUT function and INFORMATS to convert Character to Numeric variables
- Using PROC IMPORT to import different file formats (csv, xlsx, txt)
- [Advanced] Other techniques to Read Data using Data Step
- [Advanced] COLUMN INPUT technique to read data organized in columns
- [Advanced] FORMATTED INPUT technique to read Non Standard data organized in columns
- [Advanced] MODIFIED LIST INPUT technique to read delimited data (Non/Standard Data
Data Manipulation II (Controlling Input and Output, Accumulating Totals & more!)
- Writing Observations Explicitly (Output Statement)
- Writing to Multiple SAS Data Sets
- Optimize the processing using SAS Data Set Options (Firstobs=, obs=, Keep=)
- More Data Set Options (Rename = , Where=)
- Create an Accumulating Total Variable (Process data vertically - RETAIN statement)
- Accumulating Totals for a Group of Data using the BY Statement and Data Step
- Accumulating Totals for more than One Group using the By statement and Retain
SAS Functions (Character & Numeric Functions)!
- Character Functions to Extract Text ! (SUBSTR, LENGTH)
- More functions to Extract Text from String! (RIGHT, LEFT, CHAR, PROPCASE)
- More Character Functions (SCAN, INDEX, CATX, TRIM, STRIP)!
- Character Functions to Concatenate Strings (CAT, CATT, CATS)!
Working with Dates Values (Dates - , Datetime - , Time Values
- Introduction to SAS Dates (Date Values - Datetime Values - Time Values)
- Converting Dates stored in text (Character) to Date Values (Numeric)
- Converting Date Values (Numeric) to text (Character)
- Using the INTCK() function to calculate difference of 2 dates (in months, years)
- Using INTNX() function to increment a date (in years, months, qtrs, days, etc)
- Calculate difference between Dates using the DATDIF() function
Learning to Combine Data (Concatenating and Merging/Joins)
- Concatenate Data using the Set Statement in the Data Step - Part 1
- Concatenate Data using the Set Statement in the Data Step - Part 2
- Concatenate Data using Proc Append
- Understand how data can be related (One-to-One, One-to-Many, Many-Many)
- Using Merge to get all types of Joins (Left, Right, Inner, Full Join, etc)
- Learn how to merge data in a One-to-One and One-to-Many Scenario
- Warning on Merge Statement in a Many-to-Many scenario, use SQL instead.
Do Loops - Processing Data Iteratively
- Introduction to Do Loops (Iterative, Do Loop)
- Business Scenario using Iterative, Do-Loops
- Introduction to Infinite Loops (Do While and Do Until)
- Business Scenario using Do While/Do Until
- Solving a Business Scenario Using Iterative, Do Loops and Do While/Until
- Learn to use Nested Do Loops to solve real problems!
Working with Arrays and Learning to Transpose Data
- Introduction to Arrays
- Ways to reference Variable Lists in Arrays
- Create and Compare different variables using Arrays
- Using Arrays as a LookUp Table to make comparisons
- Exercise 1 - Using Arrays to look for the Max Sale using INDEX and VNAME function
- Exercise 2 - Using Arrays as a lookup Table to find Antibiotics in prescriptions
- Using Arrays to Restructure a Dataset (Transpose and Stack Columns)
- Intro to Proc Transpose (Easiest way to Transpose/Stack Columns in SAS)
Pivot Tables in SAS using Proc Tabulate!
- Introduction to Proc Tabulate
- Creating the Structure of the Table: One- ,Two- , Three- Dimensional Tables
- Creating the Structure of the Table: Concatenating and Crossing Variables
- Adding Overall Summarizations using the Keyword ALL (Totals, SubTotals)
- Adding Statistics to the Analysis Variables (Median, Quartiles, Percentiles)
- Adding different Percentages (Column-, Row-, Report- Percentages)
- Specify a denominator to calculate Percentages using keyword PCTN
- Improve the Aesthetics changing Labels, KeyLabels, Formats
- Adding Formats to Percentages and Customize missing Values
- Creating a Professional Report with Proc Tabulate in 20 mins!
Creating Reports with Proc Report!
- Introduction to Proc Report - Variable Usages
- Learn to Create Detail Report Using the Display and Order Usage
- Learn to Create Summary Reports using the GROUP Usage and Add Statistics
- Learn to Transpose a Variable with the Across Usage
- Learn how to create a variable in a Report using the Computed Usage
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