(a) Ph.D. Program (Regular)
(i) Candidates admitted in this category shall not be a registered student in any otheracademic program in India or abroad, and shall not be a full-time or part-time employeeof any organization in India or abroad.
(ii) The applicant must have a master’s degree in engineering, pharmacy, agriculturalscience, science, humanities, social sciences, management with at least 60% marks or atleast 6.0/10 CPI or CGPA for GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC (55% for SC/ST/PD),
The applicant must have MBBS with MD/MS, BVSc with MVSc, BDS with MDS, BPTh withMPTh, BOTh with MOTh or equivalent with at least 60% marks or at least 6.0/10 CPI orCGPA for GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC (55% for SC/ST/PD) in bachelor’s degree,
The applicant must have a bachelor’s degree of minimum four-year duration inengineering or science or medicine or pharmacy or agricultural science or veterinaryscience or equivalent with at least 70% marks or at least 7.0/10 CPI or CGPA forGEN/GEN-EWS/OBC (65% for SC/ST/PD).
(b) Ph.D. Program (Sponsored/External/Part-time)
(i) Candidates admitted in this category shall not be a registered student in any otheracademic program in India or abroad.
(ii) The applicant must have a master’s degree in engineering, pharmacy, agriculturalscience, science, humanities, social sciences, management with at least 60% marks or atleast 6.0/10 CPI or CGPA for GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC (55% or 5.5/10 CPI or CGPA for SC/ST/PD),
The applicant must have MBBS with MD/MS, BVSc with MVSc, BDS with MDS, BPTh withMPTh, BOTh with MOTh or equivalent with at least 60% marks or at least 6.0/10 CPI orCGPA for GEN/GEN-EWS/OBC (55% or 5.5/10 CPI or CGPA for SC/ST/PD) in bachelor’s degree,
The applicant must have a bachelor’s degree of minimum four-year duration inengineering or science or medicine or pharmacy or agricultural science or veterinaryscience or equivalent with at least 70% marks or at least 7.0/10 CPI or CGPA forGEN/ GEN-EWS /OBC (65% for SC/ST/PD).
(iii) The applicant must have a minimum of two years of work experience (after qualifyingdegree) in industry/R&D laboratories/Academic Institutions at the time of registration tothe program
(iv) The applicant must qualify the written test and/or interview conducted by IIT Jodhpur.
(c) Ph.D. Program (Indian Nationals Residing Abroad (INRA) and Foreign Nationals)
The applications of INRA and foreign nationals may be processed by the departments as and when they are received or according to any schedule convenient to the department. The applications should be scrutinized to make sure that, both in terms of qualifications and attainment they are comparable with the candidates admitted in the general category. Department will conduct VC based interview for ascertaining suitability of the candidate. The candidates under these category will be admitted as Self-Financing Student (Full program), if selected for admissions.