Introducing MySQL
MySQL, SQL and Stored Procedures from Beginner to Advanced
Gain a basic understanding of SQL and learn about MySQL queries, database design, SQL transactions, and stored ...Read more
₹ 599 3699
Quick Facts
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Medium of instructions
Mode of learning
Self study
Mode of Delivery
Video and Text Based
Course overview
A stored procedure is a predefined SQL program that users can save, allowing for endless reusability. As a result, users should save any SQL queries they frequently create as stored procedures and then just call them to run the queries. MySQL, SQL, and Stored Procedures from Beginner to Advanced online certification are developed by John Purcell - Software Development Trainer and is offered by Udemy.
MySQL, SQL, and Stored Procedures from Beginner to Advanced online course involve more than 18 hours of comprehensive lectures along with 66 downloadable resources aimed at assisting applicants in gaining an understanding of advanced features such as transactions, user permissions, triggers, and stored procedures. MySQL, SQL, and Stored Procedures from Beginner to Advanced online classes explain the strategies involved with database operations, and database security as well as discuss the methodologies involved with creating, query processing, and adding data to databases utilising SQL with MySQL.
The highlights
- Certificate of completion
- Self-paced course
- 18.5 hours of pre-recorded video content
- 66 downloadable resources
Program offerings
- Online course
- Learning resources
- 30-day money-back guarantee
- Unlimited access
- Accessible on mobile devices and tv
Course and certificate fees
Fees information
certificate availability
certificate providing authority
Who it is for
What you will learn
After completing the MySQL, SQL, and Stored Procedures from Beginner to Advanced certification course, applicants will acquire a solid understanding of the principles of MySQL and SQL for creating, querying, and updating databases. In this SQL certification, applicants will explore the fundamentals of visual design for database design as well as will acquire the knowledge of methodologies involved with database operations, database transactions, database isolation level, database security, database users, and stored procedures. In this SQL course, applicants will acquire the skills to work with database triggers and aggregate functions.
The syllabus
Getting Started
- Installing MySQL and the Workbench
- Using the Command Line
- Creating Tables
- Multiple Columns, int and Data Types
- Null Values and Not Null
- Mysql Storage Engines and Configuration
- SQL Modes
- Deleting All the Data in a Table
- Primary Keys
- Auto Increment
- Narrowing Down Select Statements
Importing and Exporting Data
- Exporting and Importing Data
- Exporting Using the Command Line
- Importing Using the Command Line
MySQL Operators
- Some Test Data
- Comparison Operators
- Logical Operators
- 018 Exclusive Or
- Exercises Part 1
- Solutions Part 1
Update, Order and Limit
- Beginning Update Statements
- Order By
- Limiting Results
MySQL Data Types
- Mysql Types
- Text Types
- Floating Point Types and Ints
- The Bit Type
- Bool
- Blobs
- Time, Date and Year
- Timestamp and Datetime
- Enumerations
- Brackets and Conditions Revisited
- Exercises 2
- Solutions 2
Aggregate Functions and Grouping
- The distinct keyword
- Counting Distinct Values
- Aggregate Functions
- Arithmetic in MySQL
- The Health Survey Dataset
- Group By
- Having- Restricting Groups By Aggregate Functions
- Exercises 3
- Solutions 3
Foreign Keys and Multiple Tables
- Naming Columns and Tables
- Foreign Keys
- ER Diagrams
- Joins and Cartesian Products
- Inner Joins
- Left and Right Outer Joins
- Joins on Multiple Tables
- Querying Chains of Tables
- One to Many and One to One
- Many to Many
- Joining Tables to Themselves
- Restrict Foreign Keys
- Cascade Foreign Keys
- Exercises 4
- Solutions 4
Combining Queries
- Union and Union All
- Subqueries with "in"
- Inline Views
Altering Schemas
- Adding Columns
- Adding Foreign Keys
- Adding Indexes
- Indexes on Multiple Columns
Users and Privileges
- Creating Users
- Granting Privileges
- Creating a Simple View
- View Algorithms
- With Check Option
Locks and Transactions
- Exclusive Table Locks
- Shared Table Locks
- Using Variables
- Setting Variables with Selects
- A Select-Update Example
- Fixing Select-Updates with Table Locks
- A Simple Transaction
- Start Transaction
- InnoDB Row Locking and Isolation
- ACID Isolation Levels
- Serializable and Row vs Table Locking
- Demonstrating the Other Isolation Levels
- Rolling Back to Savepoints
- The Account Transfer Problem
- Select for Update
- Lock in Share Mode
MySQL Functions
- String Functions
- Dates, Intervals and Queries
- Date Diff and Dayname
- Str_To_Date and Date_Format
- Control Flow Functions
- Casting
- Functions Exercises
- Functions Solution
Stored Procedures
- Introducing Stored Procedures
- Changing the Delimiter
- Hello World
- Editing Stored Procedures 2
- Setting the Definer
- Procedure Permission
- Passing Parameters
- Multiple Parameters
- Select Into Variables
- Out Parameters
- Inout Parameters
- The If Statement
- Local Variables
- Implementing Account Withdrawal
- Transactional Withdrawal
- Errors and Warnings
- Handling Errors
- While Loops
- Labelled Loops
- Generating Random Data
- A Data Generating Procedure
- Cursors
- Fetching Cursor Data in a Loop
- The Case Expression
- Variable Scope and Multiple Cursors
- Exercises 6
- Solutions 6
- Introducing Triggers
- Validating with Triggers
- Triggers and Transactions
- Triggers Exercise
- Triggers Solution
User-Defined Functions
- Functions vs Procedures
- User-Defined Functions
Visual Design
- Designing Databases Visually
- Connecting with Java
- Retrieving Data with Java
Final Exercise
- Final Exercise
- Conclusion