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Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Lateral Entry

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any sample question paper for b pharma lateral entry pls suggest me

Richa Gautam 31st Mar, 2020
No there is no exam for lateral in most of the colleges they give admissions on basis of you UG percentage if you match the criteria you are in. Make sure you have maintained good CGPA in UG

Is BCECE LE different fromDCECE LE.

lubhan cherwoo 25th Mar, 2020
BCECEB DECE LE 2020 Counselling Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) conducts the counselling for DECE LE.
It conducts competitive examinations every year for admissions courses like Medical, Engineering and Agricultural streams in the Institutions of the state of Bihar

Diploma Entrance Competitive Entrance Examination (DECE) (Lateral Entry) Conducted By The Entrance Competitive Examination Board (BCECEB) Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Conducted Exam For Diploma Courses. Bihar DCECE (LE) conducted exam for in different field of Polytechnic . Candidates take admission in 2nd year of Polytechnic by DCECE (LE) Exam

when will its application form be available

Aditi amrendra Student Expert 10th Feb, 2020

Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board Lateral Entry Test also known as BCECE LE is a state level examination conducted for admission in Lateral entry admission to second-year Engineering, Para Medical and Pharmacy courses.
The online registration for for this exam will start in 4th week of April 2020 and the Last date of online registration will be in the 3rd week of May 2020.

For more details click on the link below :

I hope this helps.

best book for bcece le , specially mechanics

anima chaudhary 9th Feb, 2020


Best books for BCECE are-

1.Bihar Polythenic sanyukt Pravesh Pariksha by Arihant Publication

2.Bihar  Polytechnic Combined Entrance Competitive Examination

3.Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Exam Guide

By- Vidya Editorial Board

4.Editorial Board: Pratiyogita Darpan

5.Bihar Polytechnic Combined Entrance Examination Solved Papers.


Am I eligible for BCECE LE if I have completed my diploma from West Bengal?

Manidipa Kundu Student Expert 8th Jan, 2020


there is no age limit of appllying for bcece le, however you need to pass diploma in relevant stream with 45% marks (general category), for sc/st it is 40%.

apart from the educational qualifications, the following category candidates are eligible to appear in  bcece le ,

his/her parents  are native of Bihar.

The parents of the participants are residents of some other place but work in Bihar or are refugees who settled in Bihar./ candidates  parents are the employee of Bihar State Govt. or PSU of Govt. of India/  parents of candidates are the employee of Central Govt and working in Bihar.

hope it would help.


who is the best book for electronics &communaction engineering dcece (le)

Aishwarya Kadam 28th Dec, 2019


The Best books for Electronics and Communication Engineering DECE [LE] are subject-wise:

•Analog Circuit and theory- Sedra and Smith

•Electronics Devices- Neamen

•Digital Electronics- M.Morris Mano or Anand Kumar

•Control System- Nagrath

•Communication Systems- Simon Haykin

•Signal and Systems- Oppenheim

•Network Theory- A V Bakshi

•Electromagnetic Theory- Sadiku

•Microcontroller- Mazidi

•Microprocessor- Gaonkar

•Engineering Mathematics- B S Grewal

These are the standard books for each subject, you can also search for its free pdfs.

Hope this addresses.


A student of Bihar State, studying in Maharashtra State can apply in bihar. (2) How many seats is available for Civil Branch in each engineering college. (3) WHAT is the cut off marks for lateral admission in Bihar of CE branch in the last three years

Anurag Tiwari 16th Dec, 2019


First of all I want to tell you that being from Bihar and studying in Maharashtra doesn't stops you to study in any of the college in India. If you are a diploma student then after completion of you diploma you can give Bihar Lateral Entry Entrance Exam. This exam is conducted for the students who want to change their college or if they want to go for B-Tech after their diploma.

Now the number of seats depends on the colleges, there is not a definite number for the intake of students. But if you have secured a decent rank in the exam, then there are chances that you'll get admission in the lateral entry. There are some private colleges also which gives lateral entry to the students, for a particular college you have to visit their websites or you can contact them.

Now you are asking for civil engineering, the cutoff for civil engineering for lateral entry admission for the previous years is near about 600. Every year the last rank fluctuates but it does not deviates much from 600. So there is a good competition for getting admission. But if worked hard its not tough to achieve that.

Hope this answers your question. Feel free to ask if have doubts.


bcece le books ya notes plz provided

Aditi amrendra Student Expert 21st Oct, 2019

I am providing you a link below where you can download official e-books by CAREERS360 for bcece preparation.

I hope this helps.

Best Book of Engineering Mechanics for the preparation of BCECE(LE) BIHAR Examination.

Mahaveer Student Expert 20th Sep, 2019

Hello Aspirant,

These are the list of the best books according to their rankings by already test attempted people

  • Bihar  Polytechnic Sanyukt Pravesh Pariksha BCECE 2018 Success Package
  • by Arihant Publications
  • Bihar  Polytechnic Combined Entrance Competitive Examination BCECE 2018
  • by Arihant Publications
  • Bihar Polytechnic Sanyukt Pravesh Pratiyogita Pariksha BCECE 2018 Solved Papers
  • by Arihant Publications
  • Bihar Polytechnic Combined Entrance Examination
  • By- Dr. Lal
  • Bihar Polytechnic Entrance Exam Guide
  • By- Vidya Editorial Board
  • Bihar Polytechnic Combined Entrance Examination Solved Papers (Engineering Group)
  • Editorial Board: Pratiyogita Darpan
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