What is the exam pattern for CLAT 2022?
Hi aspirant,
CLAT examination is conducted each year to offer admissions in NLU's and all law colleges across the country. The clat exam syllabus does not consist of the chapters or books rather it focuses on reasoning and logical ability. So following below is the detail about it:
CLAT syllabus
Subjects |
Number of Questions |
Marks |
English Language |
28-32 questions |
28 - 32 |
Current Affairs, including General Knowledge |
35-39 questions |
35 - 39 |
Legal Reasoning |
35-39 questions |
35 - 39 |
Logical Reasoning |
28-32 questions |
28 - 32 |
Quantitative Techniques |
13-17 questions |
13 - 17 |
Total |
150 |
150 |
For any more information and preparation tips, visit Two CLAT in 2022: Know syllabus, pattern and tips for national-level law entrance exam (careers360.com)
Hope it helps!!
Dear Scholars, tell me one thing that is it wise to drop one year after qualifying BSC program for the purposes of Indian forest service exam as I took Math and Physics my subjects in my Graduation level? And I saw the exam pattern of IFS, it consists of 4 papers optional? Explain this case?
Dear aspirant !
Hope you are doing great ! IFS exam is very good and you will be start new life after qualifying this exam ,but this exam won't be easy for you to crack . But yes if you have faith and confidence then surely you will crack it in one year and now as you were a student of bsc program them I don't think it will make you so capable to get a job so many aspirants go for government jobs after it otherwise do msc ,so easily without any problem you can prepare for it till a year ,also preparation of ifs will cover your many competitive exams syllabus so may be you will get selected in any of them .
For more than about ifs pattern ,visit our link below;
https://competition.careers360.com/exams/upsc-ifs .
Hope it helps you !!
Thanking you!!
Have a great day..
aima ugat exam 2022, syllabus , exam pattern, how to prepare for aima ugat exam ?
Hey there
The candidate need to fill the application form with an application fees of 750 for undergraduate aptitude test. For admission into various courses this test is done. I am giving below the syllabus of Bachelor of Business Administration:
- English language
- Numerical and data analysis
- Reasoning and General Intelligence
- General knowledge
For more syllabus of other courses and other details Click on mentioned below link:
what should be neet 2022 exam pattern..?180 or 200 questions..?
The exam pattern underwent several changes last year. As per the new pattern, the NEET question paper consists of 200 questions from three sections, Physics, Chemistry and Biology , out of which 180 questions have to be answered. ... The NEET 2022 syllabus would be the same as for Class 11 and Class 12.
JEE Main 2022 - Dates, Application Form, Eligibility, Syllabus, Exam Pattern
JEE Main Registration Date 2022
Start of JEE Main 2022 registration February session - November 2022March session- Last week of February 2022 April session - Last week of March 2022 May session - Last week of April 2022
there is no change in the JEE 2022 syllabus. For JEE 2021, NTA has decided to provide choices in one section (Numerical value questions) to rationalize the decision of different Boards across the country regarding the reduction of syllabus.
I got seat in IIT TIRUPATI. They informed me that after orientation an English test will be conducted. Could you please give me information about the exam pattern and what kind of questions are asked??
Dear aspirant !
Hope you are doing great ! Don't take a stress ,it will be an very easy task ,you just need to have the basic knowledge of things ,if you have basic idea then there will be no problem ,jus chill and relax and read English from basic .
Hope you find this helpful!!
Thanking you!!
Have a great day!!
GPAt 2022 exam syllabus ,exam date ,exam pattern,
Hello aspirant,
The syllabus for the Graduate Pharmacy Admission Test (GPAT) is prescribed by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE)
Syllabus of GPAT exam 2022
Pharmacology ---> General Pharmacology
Principles of toxicology
Drugs acting on urinary system
Pharmacology of peripheral nervous system
Pharmacology of central nervous System
Pharmacology of cardiovascular system
Drugs acting on Respiratory system
Pharmacology of Endocrine system
Neurohumoral transmission in autonomic and central nervous system
Vitamins & Minerals
Autacoids and their Antagonists
Pharmacology of drug acting on the gastrointestinal tract
Physical Chemistry --->
Composition & physical states of matter
Refractive index Solutions
Colligative Properties
Ionic equilibrium
Physical Pharmacy ---> Buffer
Matter, properties of matter
Viscosity and rheology
Surface and interfacial phenomenon
Dispersion systems
Micromeritics and powder rheology
Organic Chemistry --->
General principles
Pericyclic reactions
Aromaticity & chemistry of aromatic compounds
Different classes of compounds
Amino acids & proteins
Different aromatic classes of compounds
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Carbonyl Chemistry
Heterocyclic Chemistry
Protection & deprotection of groups
Bridged rings
Kinetic & thermodynamic control
Dispensing and Hospital Pharmacy --->
Introduction to laboratory equipment, weighing methodology, handling of prescriptions, labelling instructions for dispensed products
Posological calculations involved in the calculation of dosage for infants.
Study of current patent and proprietary products, generic products and selected brand products, indications, contraindications, adverse drug reactions, available dosage forms and packing
Compounding and dispensing of following prescriptions
Reading and counselling of prescriptions from the clinical practice
Enlarging and reducing formula, displacement value
Preparations of formulations involving allegation, alcohol dilution, isotonic solution
Pharmaceutical Chemistry --->
Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry
Dentifrices, desensitizing agents, & anticaries agents
Pharmaceutical Impurities
Medicinal Chemistry
Various classes of therapeutic agents
Different classes of therapeutic drugs
Therapeutic classes of drugs
Different classes of therapeutic drugs
Pharmaceutical Chemistry --->
Pharmaceutical Inorganic Chemistry
Dentifrices, desensitizing agents, & anticaries agents
Pharmaceutical Impurities
Medicinal Chemistry
Various classes of therapeutic agents
Different classes of therapeutic drugs
Therapeutic classes of drugs
Different classes of therapeutic drugs
Pharmaceutical Jurisprudence --->
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, and Rules thereunder
Factory Act
Shops and Establishment Act
Introduction to Intellectual Property Rights and Indian Patent Act 1970
An Introduction to Standard Institutions and Regulatory Authorities such as BIS, ASTM, ISO, TGA, USFDA, MHRA, ICH, WHO
Minimum Wages Act 1948
Prevention of Food Adulteration Act 1954 and Rules
Industrial Development and Regulation act 1951
Drugs and Magic Remedies (Objectionable Advertisements) Act 1954
Medicinal and Toilet Preparations (Excise Duties) Act 1955, Rules 1976
Historical background Drug legislation in India, Code of Ethics for Pharmacists
The Pharmacy Act 1948
Drugs and Cosmetics Act 1940, Rules 1945, including New Drug applications
Consumer Protection Act
Indian Pharmaceutical Industry- An Overview
Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1970 and Rules 1975
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1960
Drug (Price Control) Order
Pharmaceutical Management --->
Introduction to management
Inventory Management
Research Management
Human resource and development (HRD)
Planning and Forecasting
World trade organization (WTO) and trade-related intellectual property rights (TRIPS)
Standard institutions and regulatory authorities
Marketing Research
Leadership and motivation
further ,You will get all the needed information and the additional syllabus of GPAT exam from the following link.....
Hope this helps
All the best for your Future !
What is the entrance exam pattern of sainik school of 9 std
AISSE is a entrance exam you need to give for 9th standard .
Subject No. of Questions * MarksTotal Marks
Math 50 * 4 200
English 25 * 2 50
Intelligence 25 * 2 50
General Science 25 * 2 50
Social Studies 25 * 2 50
TotalTotal Questions 150 400
This is the entrance exam pattern according to subject.
For more information related exam and syllabus visit this page.
Hope it helps. Best of luck!!
Hey guys pls provide me complete details regarding kvpy exam SX STREAM such as syllabus FOR 2021 HOW TO prepare exam pattern questions pattern and most importantly do we have to give biology compulsorily
KVPY - Kishore Vaigyanik Protsahan Yojana is a scholarship examination that gives monthly scholarship to selected students for UG(Undergraduate) education.
Syllabus for SX Stream is as following:
There are fours subjects- Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and biology.
All syllabus and important topics of class X, XI and XII and 1st year of Bsc. is included in the SX syllabus. Important topics are as below
Physics : Magnetic Effects of Current, Reflection of Light, Electromagnetic Induction, Kinematics, Work, Energy and Power, Sources of Energy, Thermodynamics, Electrostatics, Refraction, Current Electricity, Electromagnetic Induction, and Alternating Current, Physical World, and Measurement, Gravitation, Laws of Motion.
Chemistry : Surface Chemistry, States of Matter: Gases and Liquids, Metals and Nonmetals, Carbon Compounds, Basic Concepts of Chemistry, Thermodynamics, Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties, Chemical Reactions, Environmental Chemistry, Solid State, Electrochemistry, Chemical Kinetics, Isolation of Elements, Periodic Classification of Elements.
Biology : Cell: Structure and Function, Genetics and Evolution, Human Physiology, Biology, and Human Welfare, Control and Coordination in Animals and Plants, Ecology and Environment, Life Processes, Plant Physiology, Diversity of Living Organisms, Reproduction.
Mathematics : Real Number, Polynomials, Introduction to Trigonometry, Surface Areas and Volumes, Trigonometric Functions, Geometry, Linear Programming, Vectors, and 3D Geometry, Calculus, Relations and Functions, Coordinate Geometry, Mathematical Reasoning, Statistics, and Quadratic Equations, Probability, Statistics, and Probability.
The examination is held in two parts for the different streams. For SX streams, the students will get questions in 4 sections namely Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and Biology in both the parts. They can choose any 3 among the 4 subjects in Part 1 and any 2 among the 4 subjects in Part 2. In case, the students attempt more sections than specified, the best 3 in part one and the best 2 in Part 2 will be taken into consideration.
Thank you.