Which topics of bsc zoology are same as in zoology optional cse syllabus ?
Hello Aspirant,
The syllabus varies to the each college, Kindly mention about which university you are asking about the syllabus so that you can get answer of your query.
Good Luck!
Most importanat topics of zoology in upsc optional cse are?
Dear Aspirant,
This option is mostly chosen by students who are pursuing Life Sciences and want to pursue UPSC. Zoology as a subject has a lot of potential as a paper, if you have a background and is a really good choice as it is a science paper. It like any other paper, requires hard work and sincere practice. The success rate in 2015 for people who chose to take it as an optional was 6.9% and though not popular, even the toppers of the exams have often secured with this great scores in Zoology.
There are two optional papers each of 250 marks, making a total of 500 marks for the optional.
Here is the syllabus:
Paper 1-
1) Non-chordata and Chordata
(a) Classification and relationship of various phyla up to subclasses
(b) Protozoa
(c) Porifera
(d) Cnidaria
(e) Platyhelminthes
(f) Nemathelminthes
(g) Annelida
(h) Arthropoda
(i) Molluscs
(j) Echinodermata
(k) Protochordata
(l) Pisces
(m) Amphibia
(n) Reptilia
(o) Aves
(p) Mammalia
(q) Comparative functional anatomy of various systems of vertebrates. (integument and its derivatives, endoskeleton, locomotory organs, digestive system,. respiratory system, circulatory system including heart and aortic arches, urinogenital system, brain and sense organs (eye and ear)
2) Ecology
(a) Biosphere
(b) Concept of ecosystem
(c) Population
(d) Biodiversity and diversity conservation of natural resources.
(e) Wildlife of India.
(f) Remote sensing for sustainable development.
(g) Environmental biodegradation; pollution and its impact on biosphere and its prevention.
3) Ethology
(a) Behaviour
(b) Role of hormones in drive; role of pheromones in alarm spreading; crypsis, predator detection, predator tactics, social hierarchies in primates, social organization in insects;
(c) Orientation, navigation, homing; biological rhythms
(d) Methods of studying animal behaviour including sexual conflict, selfishness, kinship and altruism.
4) Economic Zoology
(a) Apiculture, sericulture, lac culture, carp culture, pearl culture, prawn culture, vermiculture.
(b) Major infectious and communicable diseases (malaria, filaria, tuberculosis, cholera and AIDS) their vectors, pathogens and prevention.
(c) Cattle and livestock diseases, their pathogen (helminths) and vectors (ticks, mites, Tabanus, Stomoxys).
(d) Pests of sugar cane (Pyrilla perpusiella), oil seed (Achaeajanata) and rice(Sitophilus oryzae).
(e) Transgenic animals.
(f) Medical biotechnology, human genetic disease and genetic counselling, gene therapy.
(g) Forensic biotechnology.
5) Biostatistics
Designing of experiments; null hypothesis; correlation, regression, distribution and measure of central tendency, chi square, student-test, F-test (one-way & two-way F-test).
6) Instrumentation methods
(a) Spectrophotometer, phase contrast and fluorescence microscopy, radioactive tracer, ultra centrifuge, gel . electrophoresis, PCR, ELISA, FISH and chromosome painting.
(b) Electron microscopy (TEM, SEM).
For this paper make sure that all the theories of chordata and non-chordata sections are done. In the subsection, chordate description, the phyla should be compared anatomically and phylogenetically. The scoring topics are- economic zoology, bio instrumentation and bio statistics as they are smaller and the questions asked for them are predictable. So pay attention to these. Also, in economic zoology, focus on the developments of India.
Paper 2
1. Cell Biology
2. Genetics
3. Evolution
4. Systematics
5. Biochemistry
6. Physiology (with special reference to mammals)
7. Developmental Biology
Some tips for this paper:
- Write about human welfare applications in the topic genetics.
- Generally, peripheral topics are not asked in this section.
- Prepare Hardy-Weinberg Law properly, including problems because if a 15-marker from this comes, you have a good chance of scoring full.
- For the preparation of evolution, study from the book Organic Evolution (Evolutionary Biology) by Veer Bala Rastogi.
- For physiology, you should use Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology or Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology.
- In biochemistry, practical biochemical pathways with structural formulas of molecules is an important topics. Using flowcharts in this section will help.
- For developmental biology section, practice diagrams a lot. This is a tough section as well.
Here are some more books for you from which you can prepare-
- Modern Zoology by Ramesh Gupta
- Organic Evolution (Evolutionary Biology) by Veer Bala Rastogi
- Ganong’s Review of Medical Physiology
- Guyton and Hall Textbook of Medical Physiology
- Cell Biology by CB Powar
- Genetics by PK Gupta
- Modern Textbook of Zoology – Invertebrates by RL Kotpal
- Modern Textbook Of Zoology: Vertebrates by RL Kotpal
- Lehninger Principles of Biochemistry
- An Introduction to Embryology by AK Berry
- Ecology And Environment by PD Sharma
- Applied And Economic Zoology by VB Upadhyay and GS Shukla
- Animal Behaviour by Reena Mathur
Hope this helps. All the best!
important topics of 11th std in mht cet 2021
Given below are some important chapters that you need to give more focus if you are preparing for MHT CET.
Physics :
Ray Optics
Magnetic Effect of Electric Current
Straight Lines
Conic Sections
Sequences and Series
Chemistry :
Organic Chemistry
s-Block elements
Redox Reactions
I Hope this helps.
What topics should be covered in ERROR DETECTION of VARC section in MBA CET?
Error Detection is one of the most easiest topics to score marks but only when you will pay attention to the sentence. The error in the question that you need to identify can be anything.It can be grammetical error,Tense error, parts of speech error and sometimes even some words and their spelling are also wrong and students tend to do mistake if they don't pay much attention while reading.
You can strengthen this section by practicing different types of question and by reading newspaper.
Good Luck
NEET 2020 important topics and chapters list
An important chapter or important topics from neet examination point of view is one which has more weightage in the neet examination , I mean a chapter /topic from which large number of questions are asked in the neet examination; so you can get chapterwise weightage for each of Physics, Chemistry and Biology in neet examination by going through our page for which link is provided below; -
Chapterwise weightage will help you to determine the importance of a chapter/unit in terms of the marks it is likely to fetch and thus it will ease your preparation strategy for the neet 2020 examination . So; good luck for your neet preparation.
bhu msc statistics entrance test topics weightage
There are only 40 seats available in BHU MSc Stat. two yrs course , and eligibility is graduation with statistics with minimum 50%.
There are 120 questions for 360 marks. Scoring 190+ will be enough to get admission.
The syllabus for entrance exam is as under:-
- Conditional Probability
- Unconditional Probability
- Approaches to probability - Classical approach to probability, Relative frequency approach to probability, Richard Von Mises approach to probability, Cramer and Kolmogorov’s approach to probability
- Sample Space - Discrete sample space, Continuous sample space
- Event - Operation of Event, Independent Events, Mutually Exclusive Events
- Random Experiment
- Trial
- Bayes's theorem and its application
- Random Variables
- Moment generating functions
- Probability generating functions
- Chesbyshev’s inequality and its application
- Uniform Distribution
- Binomial Distribution
- Poisson distribution
- Geometric Distribution
- Hyper-geometric Distribution
- Continuous univariate distributions
- Normal Distribution
- Exponential Distribution
- Gamma and Beta Distribution
Types of Data
- Qualitative and quantitative Data
- Discrete and Continuous data
- Primary and Secondary data
- Presentation of Data
- Construction
- Diagrammatic
- Graphical representation
- Bar diagram
- Ogive diagram
- Histogram
- Frequency Polygon
- Measures of central tendency
- Dispersion
- Relative Dispersion
- Absolute Dispersion
- Bivariate Data
- Scatter diagram
- Correlation coefficient
- Rank correlation
- Spearman’s and Kendall’s measures
- Multivariate Data
- Multiple correlations in three variables
- Partial correlation in three variables
- Regression lines
- Regression coefficient
- Principal of least squares
- Analysis of Categorical Data
- Random sample
- Point estimate of a parameter
- Concept of bias and standard error of an estimate
- Tests of significance based on Chi- square
- Testing for the mean and variance of Univarite
- Sample tests
- Use of central limit theorem for testing and interval estimation
- Fisher’s Z transformation
- Non- Parametric tests
- Wilcoxon- Mann- Whitney test
- Run- test
- Median- test
Sample Surveys
- Concept of population and sampling
- Census and sample survey
- Sample selection
- Sample size
- Non-Sampling error
- Simple random sampling
- Stratified random sampling
- Systematic sampling
Linear programming
- Elementary theory of convex sets
- General linear programming problems (LPP)
- Graphical and simplex method of solving LPP
- Transportation Problems
- Assignment problems
Introduction to computers
- Basic set of an electronic computer
- Input devices
- Output devices
- Need of computers in statistics
- Binary number system
- Machine
- Language
- Basic commands to operate a computer
- Ms- Office Tools
Demographic Methods
- Sources of demographic data
- Measurement of mortality
- Measurement of fertility
- Economic statistics
- Index number
- Simple aggregative methods
- Weighted average methods
- Lasperey’s, Passche’s and Fisher’s index numbers
Time series Analysis
- Economic time series
- General theory of control charts
- Process control chars for variables (X, R and S Charts)
- Control chart for attributes (np, p and c charts)
- Hypothesis
- Statistical hypothesis
- Simple and composite hypothesis
- Statistical hypothesis
- Null and alternative hypothesis
- Parameter models
- Parameter space
- Point Estimation
- Interval estimation
- Concepts of confidence interval and confidence coefficient.
How to prepare for b.arch mathematics in 1 month?(any important topics)
Hi Parshav,
If you want to prepare for B.Arch mathematics in 1 month then it is very important that you should have strong hold in the basics. You should have learned the important formulas to make a strong grip on the foundation. If you are weak in this section then you have to do a lot of hard work but it is possible.
1. Start by understanding the syllabus and the question pattern. You can take help from previous year papers.
2. Try to learn the basics and formulas as fast as you can. You can eliminate some topics according to your need.
3. Solve the questions first seeing the solution to understand the steps then try to solve other question without getting any help.
4. Try the shortest possible way to solve MCQ questions to save time.
5. You don't have the luxury to chill but you should take rest in between you practice to cool your mind for other brainstorming session.
6. But most important, do this only if you really want to do. Doing things half-heartedly will only mess up everything.
*Important chapters to prepare:
Complex Numbers, Sets, Matrices and Determinants, Differential Equation, Permutation Combination, Three Dimensional Geometry, Vector Algebra, Sequence and Series, Integral Calculus.
These chapter are very important so try to work on these as soon as possible.
Wish you good luck for future.
i am a drop out preparing for jee mains2020. can you please provide the important topics which are essential and carries a good weightage as its just a month left for exam .. please help..
Maths- probability, calculus, conic section, area under the curve i, permutation and combination is the most important
Minimum 7-8 questions will be asked
Physics - rotational motion, optics, magnetism , electostate is most important
Chemistry- all the 3 are equally important. Biomolecule, chemistry in every day, polymer and the name reaction in organic chemistry are most important
what are important topics for meet 2020 and where I can find details regarding neet 2020..
The official website for NEET 2020 is neet.nta.ac.in. You can find the official brochure, important dates here. The online applications will be open from December 2nd, 2019. Based on years of observation and analysis, there has been a derivative reached about which topics might be important for NEET and which topics will carry more weightage. It has been compiled and it can be accessed at our page: https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/neet-chapter-wise-weightage-and-important-topics
pls give the main important topics were asked in JEE mains 2020
Dear Aspirant,
Here are some important topics which will help you in your examination
Oscillation and waves
Rotational motion
Magnetic effect of current
Newton laws motion
Current electricity
Chemical kinetics
Solid state
Chemical bonding
S block
Transition elements
Carbonyl compounds
Conic section
Straight lines
You can also visit the below link to check important dates, syllabuses and other important knowledge regarding Jee mains 2020
All the very best