Can you please explain about the subjects or topics taught in courses like MECH,ECE and CSE?
Hey dear, in engineering there are various branches with several subjects in it. The first year is same for all the branches, students have to learn same subjects. From 2nd year onwards subjects of branches changes like in mechanical your main subjects are SOM, fluid mechanics, heat transfer,thermodynamics, theory of machines, design of machine elements, material engineering,manufacturing technology , etc. In cse the subjects are , dot net, computer networks, data structures, theory of computation,java, python , etc. In ECE you basically learn about the network theorems and transformers, feeders.
intermediate 2 year deleted topics
Hii there, sorry but your question is not clear. For which examination you are asking about the topics. Please specify it. But if your question is about CBSE 12th, then yes CBSE did reduce the syllabus by 30% because of classroom teaching time reduction. I will suggest you to visit the official site of CBSE to know the deleted topics because they cover all streams and almost all subjects.
Please visit the link for detailed information:
Good luck!
plz send me important topics for mns which helps me plz answer back as soon as possible
Hello Vandana,
As this is an entrance exam so all the topics are important as every topic contains some weightage of marks. So preparing all the topics can help you score good in the exam. Here is the list of topics which will help you to prepare more precisely
MNS Topics for General English
- Synonyms/ Homonyms
- Antonyms
- Spot the error
- Fill in the blanks.
- Detecting Mis-spelt words.
- Idioms and phrases.
- One word substitutions.
- Shuffling of sentence parts.
- Shuffling of Sentences in a passage.
- Cloze passage.
- Comprehension passage.
MNS Topics for Biology
- Cell and Molecular Biology.
- Genetics and evolution.
- Human health and diseases.
- Plant physiology.
- Human physiology.
- Biotechnology and its applications.
Biodiversity, ecology, and environment.
MNS Topics for Physics
- Laws of Motion & Work, Energy, and Power.
- Properties of Matter.
- Current Electricity.
- Magnetic Effects of Electric Current.
- Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Current.
- Dual Nature of Radiation and Atomic Physics.
- Nuclear Physics.
- Semiconductor Devices and their Applications.
MNS Topics for Chemistry
- Atomic Structure.
- p,d, and f – Block Elements.
- Coordination Chemistry and Solid State Chemistry.
- Thermodynamics, Chemical Equilibrium, and Chemical Kinetics.
- Isomerism in Organic Compounds.
- Alcohols and Ethers.
- Carbonyl Compounds.
- Carboxylic Acids and their derivatives.
- Organic Nitrogen Compounds and Biomolecules.
MNS Topics General Intelligence
- Number Series.
- Space Visualization.
- Decision Making.
- Problem Solving.
- Similarities and Differences.
- Figure Classification.
- Visual Memory.
- Relationship Concepts.
- Non-Verbal Series.
- Arithmetical Computation.
- Analytical Functions etc.
Also you can refer question bank for practice.
Hope it helps.
hii can u plz suggest important topics from all syllabus of mns which helpful for us plz reply fast as possible .
Hey dear, for english you should prepare synonyms,antonyms,spot the error,fill in tha blanks,idioms,comprehension passages and one word. For biology, cell and moleculat biology, gentics,human health,plant anf human physiology. For physics, laws of motions, matter,current and electricity,magnetism and A.c. for chemistry, atomic structure, p d f blocks, coordination chemistry, chemical kinetics amd organic chemistry.
what are the imp topics in calculas for emcet September 2020
name some current social issue topics for collage presentation in college?
Some of the most common social issues are listed below:-
*Youth alcohol usage
*Teen Violence and abuse
*Teen Depression and Suicide
Hope it helps!
how to prepare D and F block chapter?Important topics?
D and F block elements is the eighth chapter in the 12th standard Chemistry Syllabus. It is included in the section, Inorganic Chemistry - II, which carries a weightage of 12% in the NEET exam. Of the 12%, D and F block elements comprises 4% of the section or an average of 2 questions.
The following are some of the patterns of questions that are usually asked in NEET exam:
1) Questions based on general properties and classification of D and F block elements
2) Two compounds are given and questions based on their relative stability are asked
3) Questions based on properties of acids and bases within D and F block elements
4) Questions based on oxidation states, electronegativity, ionization enthalpy, covalent state and reactivity
5) Reactions with colour change or precipitate formation
6) Questions based on oxidation and reduction reactions
7) Elements/compounds are marked with letters A, B, C, D, etc. and a reaction involving them is described; the student should identify A, B, C, D, etc.
8) Questions based on Lanthanoid contraction
9) Questions based on physical and chemical characteristics of the compounds
10) Questions where the student should identify the catalyst in a reaction
11) A set of statements are given and the wrong/right statement must be identified
12) Questions based on solutions and alloy formations
All the best!
easy and scroable topics of phy
Dear Aspirant,
Following are some relatively easy topics:-
Units And Measurements, Motion in a Straight Line, Motion in a Plane, Laws of Motion, Work, Energy, and Power, Ray Optics and Optical Instruments, Wave Optics, Electric Charges and Fields, Current Electricity, Magnetism, Magnetism and Matter Semiconductor Electronics, Communication Systems.
Hope this helps. Thank you.
for short time prepare easy topics scoring
Yamini, if NITs are your goal, with all due respect from 38 percentile to be able to score atleast 97 percentile, what you should not be doing is rely on easy topics. You need to work double harder than you have already put in. You need to focus on the topics that carry more weightage over the others. That way you have a chance to score more. Our JEE Knockout package can help you in your preparation: . Alternatively, the topics that you need to focus to score more are:
In Physics, Modern Physics take the top slot with 5 questions. Heat and Thermodynamics, Optics, Current Electricity, Elcetrostatics get 3 questions each. Magentics has 2 questions and the rest get 1 question each.
In Chemistry, Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry, Periodic Table and Representative elements take 3 questions slot. Thermodynamics and Gaseous state, Atomic structiire, Chemical Bomding, Chemical and Iconic Equilibrium, Solid State and Surface Chemistry and Nuckear Chemistry and Environment get 2 questions slot eacch and the remaining get 1 question each.
In Mathematics, Co-ordinate Geometry gets 5 questions. Limits, Continuity and Differentiability, Integral Calculus get 3 questions slot each. The rest get 2 and 1 questions slot. For complete breakdown, please read our article:
Should I focus on my weak chapters or should I focus on my strong topics and come back to the weak ones when time permits for JEE mains?
Obviously you should first focus on your Stronger zone. But Don't take your strong zone for Granted. If time permits then go for the Weaker zone and with Weak zone i mean to say that you must have read something or you must be having some idea about. Just going from the scratch will not help now. If it is Inorganic then i would suggest you to focus on NCERT only.