HYV Full Form

HYV Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jun 08, 2023 02:21 PM IST

What is the full form of HYV?

The full form of HYV is “high-yield variety”. These quality seeds are produced by crossing high-yielding crops having the superior seed-producing capability and high-yielding variety of seeds commonly known as miracle seeds were developed by Nobel laureate Dr Narman Barlauf in Mexico. These seeds are more productive than normal seeds and have adequate irrigation facilities along with greater use of fertilizers and pesticides. These seeds are developed in the branch of biology, that is biotechnology. High-yielding varieties became popular in the 1960s and played an important role in the green revolution.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of HYV?
  2. Features of these varieties
  3. Examples of high-yield varieties
  4. About the high-yield varieties
  5. Adverse effect of using high-yielding varieties of crops
  6. Advantages of high-yielding varieties of crops
  7. Conclusion
HYV Full Form
HYV Full Form

Features of these varieties

  • Higher yield: high yield variety crops produce more per unit of land than traditional crops. This is achieved through developing plants with high photosynthetic efficiency, increased biomass production, and other traits that enhance their growth and yield potential.

  • Dwarfness: in this process, the breed of cultivar plants are changed to become significantly smaller than standard members of their species.

  • High reliance on irrigation and fertilisers

  • Improved quality: with the help of high-yielding varieties of crops, we can improve quality characteristics such as enhanced flavour, texture, or nutritional value. This can be achieved through the introduction of genes that encode specific quality traits or through the selection of plants with naturally superior quality characteristics.

  • Resistance to pests and disease: high yield varieties are often developed to be resistant to pests and diseases that can damage the crops and reduce yield, and this can be achieved through the introduction of genes that confer resistance to specific pests or diseases or through the development of plants with naturally resistant traits.

  • Life span: high yielding varieties of crops have a shorter life cycle, and thereby farmers are enabled to go for multiple cropping.

  • Adaptability: HYVs are developed to be adapted to specific environmental conditions, such as soil type, climate, and irrigation regimes. This can enable them to grow successfully in different regions and climates, increasing their adoption and use.

Examples of high-yield varieties

  • Wheat

  • Corn

  • Soybean

  • Rice

  • Potato

  • cotton

They are mainly used in commercial and plantation farms.

About the high-yield varieties

Agriculture is an economic activity in our country. Methods of cultivation have changed significantly over these years, depending upon the characteristics of the physical environment,socio-cultural practices and technology.

There are many types of farming

  • Primitive subsistence farming

  • Intensive subsistence farming

  • Commercial farming

In commercial farming, we use more modern inputs such as high yielding variety seeds

These are used to increase productivity and the degree of commercialization varies

From one region to another region. For example- in Odisha, rice is a subsistence crop whereas in Punjab and Haryana is commercial farming. Commercial farming has an interface of agriculture and industry and in this farming covers large tracts of land with the help of migrant labourers. Sugarcane, tea, banana, coffee, rubber etc. are the important plantation crops in India production of this farming is mainly for the market, a well-developed network of transportation and communication connecting the plantation area, proceeding industries and the market is necessarily essential in the development of the plantation.

The high-yielding varieties are developed in science laboratories or in other factories. They help to get quality crops in less time. And it also improved the background of the agriculture field by helping and promoting growth. Scientists can make various types of crops depending on the desires of the customers. One of the most important advantages of this plant is that they are less effective against insects or any plant disease. This proves to be helpful in yielding high-quality crops in very little time and space. The limitation and disadvantages of these crops are that they need more fertilizer, pesticides and water as compared to normal crops. And they have the ability to face rainfall and strong wind.

And the seeds are considered the endosperm or endospermic tissue which stores food. It gives nourishment to the embryo during its growth. like- in the ovary of a female flower, the ovules are present which develop into seeds and seeds have protective layers such as outer and inner - testa and tegmen.

Adverse effect of using high-yielding varieties of crops

The water loss from high-yielding varieties of seeds requires a significant amount of water.

  • A significant amount of chemicals and pesticides grow which increases the risk of developing health issues

  • Produce less fodder than regular seeds

  • required many pesticides which can cause the risk of pollution

  • Many farmers cannot purchase high-yielding varieties because it is very costly.

Advantages of high-yielding varieties of crops

  1. The high-yielding varieties have a shorter life cycle; which helps farmers to choose to do multiple crops. For instance, new seeds of wheat rice finish their life cycle in just 110 and 120 days approx. However, traditional varieties of wheat and rice require about 140 or 150 days And also help to save money on the land.

  2. The new seeds need less water as compared to traditional varieties. High-yielding variety consequently saves water synth the crops grown for less time.

  3. It will require more labour per square meter to create more jobs.

  4. The big and small farmers will benefit from the production and profit in the same amount.

  5. Farmers do not require any particular skill and farmers from various social and cultural backgrounds can readily adopt the seeds.

  6. Farmers can adjust the dates for sowing wheat is needed since the high-yield varieties require relatively cool temperatures during sowing


High-yielding varieties are best for farmers because they are productive and have a short life cycle. Every year, insects destroy approximately 25% of all crop species. The abortion rate of high-yielding varieties gained an enormous leap between 1966 and 1976. In that time the percentage of land sown to new varieties grew from 1% to 80% with the highest seen in 1988. The high-yield varieties developed by the classic breeders have been in ensuring adequate food supply for the ever-growing global population.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Which state first used high-yielding variety?

Tamil Nadu is the first state where it was first used.

2. Who introduced high-yielding varieties of seeds in India?

M.S. Swaminathan is known as the father of the green revolution.

3. Why can’t farmers legally replant their own seeds?

Farmers can’t legally save seeds” is like a myth that “ organic means no pesticides”- a falsehood firmly ingrained in the collective psyche of those who know nothing of farming yet have very strong opinions about it. The Can say  “farmers can’t save seeds “ is one of the bugaboos of the informed segment of ant- GMO crusaders. If the seeds are patented, then the farmers who save seeds will need to buy a patent license for the seeds, which last time we checked typically averaged around $15/ acre.

4. Write the full form of ICAR and IIHR.

ICAR- Indian council of agriculture research. 

 IIHR- Indian institute of horticulture research.

5. What is paddy?

 A paddy is a field that is flooded with water. And paddy rice is also known as rough rice.

6. How many different kinds of rice are there?

There are about 1,20,000 varieties known to exist.

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