political science owenrs ba part1 sllybus acording book list name and mention the best author book buy.plzz answer this question (samrat prithviraj cohan college ajmer institute)
Since Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan Government College, Ajmer is affiliated to Maharishi Dayanand University, Ajmer you can go through the official website of MDU and the syllabus and recommended study materials for that matter for your specific stream subjects at https://www.mdsuajmer.ac.in/syllabus.php?catid=8
samrt prithviraj chohan college institute in ba part 1 political oweners me syllbus according book list name and which is the best author book. please mention the book name best author.
As Samrat Prithviraj Chauhan Government College, Ajmer is affiliated to Maharishi Dayanand University, Ajmer hence it follows the curriculum of MDU for which you can visit the official website at https://www.mdsuajmer.ac.in/syllabus.php?catid=8, you will find the recommended reading for specific stream and its subjects.
who is the author of principles of politics
If you are talking about the book "The Principles of Politics: An Introduction to the Study of the Evolution of Political Ideas", then this book is written by A.R. LORD.
This book is about the the theory of Politics and about what the oriental thinkers have speculated and meditated profoundly upon the nature of reality and the soul of man, upon his virtues and his duties but only in western civilization has the social consciousness of men attained that superior grade of political interest at which it demands a theory of the state and of its relations to the individual citizens who compose it.
how does the author and the man suffer on the tree
Dear student,
Let me guess that, you are talking about some poem . But you have not mentioned its name in the question. And without knowing the name of the poem, we are unable to help you. So, please post a new question with the poem name mentioned in it. Only then we can help you in a better way.
Hope you understand.
Which author book is best for 2nd Year Student 3rd Semester; 1) Human Resource Management 2)Income tax law and practice 3)Management principles and applications 4)E-Commerce 5)Money and Banking
According to me-
1)Human Resource Management by ashok khurana,Praveen khurana and hira lal sharma.
2)Income tax law and practice by Noorjahan Begum.
3)Management principles and applications by jp mahajan,anupama mahajan and deepika dewan
4)E-Commerce by sanjeeb kumar day and ashutosh paryas
sir tell which author book I need to choose for organic, inorganic and physical chemistry for jee advanced
Here is a list of some of the best book for JEE Advanced preparation of chemistry:
1. Organic Chemistry by OP Tandon
2. Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon
3. Concise Inorganic Chemistry by JD lee
4. Organic Chemistry by Peter sykes
5. Physical Chemistry by PW Atkins
6. Organic Chemistry by MS chauhan
7. Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd
8. Modern approach to chemical calculation by RC Mukherjee
For more relevant information, you may visit here:
Hope this helps, all the best.
Could u please tell , which author book of CMAT is most usefull ?
Hello anjali
Best Books for CMAT: Language Comprehension
Books for CMAT |
Author Name/Publisher |
How to Prepare for Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension for the CAT |
Arun Sharma (Mc Graw Hill Education |
The Pearson Guide to Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning for the CAT |
Nishit K Sinha |
A Modern Approach to Verbal & Non-Verbal Reasoning |
Dr R S Aggarwal |
Trishna’s Verbal Ability and Logical Reasoning for the CAT and Other MBA Examinations |
Best books for Vocabulary and Grammar
- Wren & Martin English Grammar
- Word Power Made Easy by Norman Lewis
- Business English and Communication by John O E Clark
- 30 Days to a More Powerful Vocabulary by Norman Lewis
- The Students’ Companion by Wilfred D Best
- A Communicative Grammar of English by Geoffrey Leech and Jan Svartvik
Best Books for CMAT: Quantitative Aptitude
Books for CMAT |
Author Name/Publisher |
How to Prepare for Quantitative Aptitude for CAT |
Arun Sharma (Mc Graw Hill Education) |
Quantitative Aptitude Quantum CAT Common Admission Tests for Admission Into IIMs |
Sarvesh K Verma (Arihant) |
Quantitative Aptitude for Competitive Examinations |
Abhijit Guha (Mc Graw Hill Education) |
NCERT Mathematics Books for Standard 8, 9 and 10 |
Quantitative Aptitude |
Dr RS Aggarwal |
Best Books for CMAT: Logical Reasoning
Books for CMAT |
Author Name/Publisher |
How to Prepare for Logical Reasoning for the CAT |
Arun Sharma (Mc Graw Hill Education) |
Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation for the CAT |
Nishit K Sinha (Pearson) |
Best books for CMAT: General Awareness
Best source of preparation of General Awareness are newspapers and current affairs magazines. For Static GK, best books to refer to are Manorama Year Book and Competition Success Review.
Newspapers and Journals |
The Hindu |
Financial Express |
Economic Times |
The Financial Times |
Wall Street Journal |
Hindu Business Line |
Business Today |
Business World |
For more information please visit the link.
Hope that's helpful
Best of luck
What are all the books referred for GPAT EXAM? Best author for each subject....and what type of preparation should be done before the exams?
First go through entire syllabus and then make a proper and programmatic study schedule. You can also make short notes because making notes help you understand the topic better and during revision it helps a lot. Write down all tbe formulae, charts, diagrams in one notebook so that you can checkbit whenever needed. Once you complete your syllabus, you must solve previous few years' examination papers and sample papers. Give mock tests as many as possible.
And at least 15 days before the exam, you should start your revision. Don't look for more weightage or less weightage, just revise from first to last. Don't for for something new during last days. The more you'll practice the more you'll get to score good. Go through this- http://pharmacy.careers360.com/articles/best-books-for-gpat
Actually I got admission in st Marys College Hyderabad for BBA 2020-21. For first semister which author or publications books I have to buy.Please let me know subjects and books authors names.
BBA first semester subjects are-:
- Financial accounting
- Business Mathematics
- Principles of management
- Personality development & communication skill
- Computer Fundamentals
- Business economics.
Different colleges prefer different publications and may be change every year, if u got admission than u should once consult to proper teacher who can assist you to exact publications they are using.
That whould be more helpful for you.
I want to know about which book should I refer for IPU CET 2020 for UG economics hons. Please specify the author and site. I am neither getting arihant nor any other book. if arihant has the book of this course then which course is written on book cover.
Indraprastha University Common Entrance Test (IPU CET) is an exam conducted to take admissions in all courses of GGSIPU. For more notices regarding the exam click on this link: http://ipu.ac.in/admission2020ipucet.php
As per changing scenario and competition, only one book will not suffice. Try practicing as much as you can.
Get your hands at mock papers more and more. Only this will help you score a better rank.