Will cut off of bits 2018 will decrese due to increase in seats and lesser no of students scoring above 300 in 2018 as comp to 2017,2016,15
We can't predict whether it can decrease / increase because since it is a private institution the scenario will be change suddenly in a year and after that you have to suffer it , if you can't able to score up to the mark. So better to follow the previous year cuttoff list and if the cuttoff will decrease then it may purely aid the student's like you.
Good luck
I wnt cs shld i opt for other brnch or not do i hv to pay if i got any brnch in list 1of bits score 344
But as previous years trend you will mostly get cs in bits Hyderabad but you have to wait till last round so fill branch like entc which has similarity with cs which you can take if your luck is not your side.
Best luck
I got 271 marks in bits 2018. Which branch will I get?
Since your marks in BITSAT are good but not upto the upto the mark through which you can easily land to a zone of good branch. Every year the cuttoff in BITS are very high reaching at a limit of 300+. So i think it may be somewhat difficult for you to take admission in BITS premises but you should try in it may be by luck you get good branch at any campus.
All the best
Can i get seat in BITS 2018 any college for 264 marks
Based on your marks it will be some what hard for you to take seat in BITS because the cuttoff in BITS for each and every particular branches are very high which demands more than 300 marks in your BITSAT examination since you are lagging somewhat in that that's why may be it will be hard for you so better hope for the best.
Good luck
I am getting 4885 rank in Mains 2018 and 358 marks in BITSAT 2018. Should I go for CS at NIT or Bits?
Hello dear,
your rank is very good at this rank you have to go for NIT rather then BITs because NIT has good faculty and teaching scheme.it has also provide good placement.if you get admission in NIT then big advantage is that you are in India's one of the best college.so, you have to go for NIT.
Hope This Helps.
sir i got 91000 rank in bits will i get seat ..male and oc
Will you please tell me how you got the rank in BITSAT examination because upto my knowledge i only know that they will only display the score not rank after the completion of online examination.
Please let me know all these such that i may able to help you.
is 430 score in gate enough to get design in bits pillani? also let me know is there any seat snapping here by category students?
It depends on your branch, actually 430 score is not enough to get a seat in Bits Pilani based on previous years allotment. There is seat snapping there but it is not based on category. It is based on if seats are not filled and on merit