By mistakenly I have given wrong CGPA while applying for CCMT. How it is going to affect me in the day of document verification??
Hi Aspirant,
Hope you are doing great as per the question asked by you, you should definitely mail the authorities about the mistake that you have made some times forms are being opened given with the correction window for some time it that window you can surely change the following details regarding the same.
Hope you found this answer useful.Stay motivated stay positive.
All the best!
what is locking as per schedule in CCMT choice filling?
After registration for CCMT counselling you can fill the list of courses and college in which you to get seat. You can arrange them in the order of priority, re-order them, add, delete the preferences until the last date for choice filling. After you have entered all the preferences you need to lock the choices by using the 'lock' option in the online choice filling form. Once locked you cannot edit your preferences even if its not the last date. If the choices are not locked then on the last date the preferences will get locked automatically before the deadline. And these preferences will be considered for seat allotment. You need to lock your choice filling form on or before June 29, 2021 if you haven't locked it then on June 29 (Tue), 2021 at 11:59 PM the choice filling form will get automatically locked.
How is university of hyderabad for M,tech in manufacturing engineering. How are placements for manufacturing?
In terms of education of mtech in manufacturing any student will find him/herself in University of Hyderabad as one of the best institute.
It has great environment and very humble and helpful faculties.
Similarly it has the best placement Central with no internal politics.
Getting placement is a sure shot after mtech from University of Hyderabad.
Hope this helps
Careers 360
I qualify gate 2020 in general category .can i take admission in ccmt 2021 under ews category.
Hi there,
As mentioned in the FAQ's by CCMT here
It is not possible.
Please make sure you fill in the category properly as you will be liable to produce the correct certificate, failing which you will be considered under the general category.
Any additional CCMT related information is available here
I hope this information helps.
Good Luck!
my gate 2021 score is 369 in mechanical. whixh colleges I should prefer in ccmt?
Hello Aspirant,
It should be noted here that the CCMT cut-off differs as per the course, category, and the college that the candidate wishes to apply to. Other factors that affect the cut-off are:
- The difficulty level of the exam
- The total number of candidates that applied for the exam
- Previous Year Cut-off trends
- The number of seats available in each course and college that you apply for.
As per the marks scored by you, and the previous CCMT cut-off trends you might want to prefer NIT Surat. Now, it is solely based on the previous year's cut-off trends. There is no surety for the same.
Please access this college predictor link for more accurate results:
For a more detailed analysis of the CCMT cut off trends, please check the below link:
I hope this helps.
I have given GATE CS 2021 paper and secured 495 Gate Score with 4701 Rank . While choice filling through CCMT 2021, what should be my order of preference of colleges?
see cutoff score for colleges varies every year and it depends on certain factors like number of applicants, questions difficulty level, seat matrix, students category and so on. however at this score it would be difficult to secure top notch institute, but based on previous years cutoff you have chances in below mention colleges:
nit durgapur,
MNIT bhopal
NIT silchar
however select most of the college name with your preferences of stream and put the top ranking college name is first order.
To know about complete list of probable college name, based on your score, category please use Careers360 college predictor tool
I belong to EWS category but during GATE application by mistake it got filled as UR and in my GATE score Im not qualified in gen but Im qualified in EWS. What will I have to do for CCMT. Will I be eligible for this?
sorry to say, you will be considered under general category only since during the filling of application form you did not mention about ews, so your score , rank has based upon general cutoff. since you did not get the qualified score for general category, you will not eligible to apply for CCMT counselling.
however apart from gate there is many other M.TECH entrance test which held by state wise and Institute wise.
some of the entrance is as follows:
ISI admission test
IIIT hydedrabad post graduate entrance test
hope it would help.
when does CCMT 2021 application procedure will start?
Hi Shashank,
Hope you are doing great as per the question asked by you CCMT 2021 application procedure will certainly start from mid may of june first week as such official confirmation is not there from them only expected dates are there. You can follow this link and can get complete information regarding the same:
Hope you found this answer useful.Stay motivated stay positive.
All the best!
CCMT application is started or not?If not then when it will start
Dear aspirant,
CCMT application will be released online. Tentative dates for Online registration for CCMT are Se cond to last week of April 2021. CCMT 2021 choice filling and locking - Second to last week of April 2021. Last date for Automatic locking of saved choices - Last week of April 2021.
For more information go through below link.
All The Best!!