which branch is better environmental engineering or metallurgical and materials engineering???
Hi Alpesh
In terms of future scope, environmental engineering is a growing branch, and metallurgical engineering a slow declining branch . Because of rising concerns surrounding climate change, more and more engineers are needed by the public and private organisations that are skilled in energy and waste management. Policy makers too require the expertise of these engineers/specialists to make more nature friendly decisions
can i get iit delhi for mtech in rock engineering or environmental engineering.my gate score is 675.
You have good gate score. For most top branches, IIT Delhi have cutoff between 500-750. So for environment engineering, you can easily get an admission through your gate score. If you have any reservation category then it will be helpful to you.
There is high chance so you should apply for IIT Delhi campus. It would be better option to try for Bombay and Hyderabad campus also.
Hope it helps!
is btech energy and environmental engineering in tnau Coimbatore has best scope?
B.tech energy and Environmental engineering is a four years full-time undergraduate degree course. The course has very wide scope as nowadays, energy and Environmental engineers are at high demands.
The course focused on two important subjectsviz.,
i) Energy production, conservation, management, energy auditing and budgeting and
ii) Science of environmental pollution, causes of pollution and pollution remediation engineering
The job markets are renewable and non renewable energy sectors, pollution remediation sectors, energy auditing and budgeting.
For more details please visit this link https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://dqxeclau.top/university/tamil-nadu-agricultural-university-coimbatore/btech-energy-and-environmental-engineering-course&ved=2ahUKEwj8ivTS_trpAhXPZCsKHRqvCW4QFjAFegQIBRAB&usg=AOvVaw0oHX06bYr2FTsiA2u2VUIv
Hope it helps
My gate score is 372 with marks of 34.96 in civil branch.In which college will I get a chance to study for mtech in environmental engineering??
You can't get any top Institutes like IIT's or top NIT's. With this score it is difficult to get a state sponsored college. I know that cutoff changes every year but at this score it is really difficult. If you can get then please try for VSSUT, Sambalpur as i have heard that it is good for Mtech in Civil.
I studied B.E Civil engineering. Should I choose M.E Environmental engineering or Environmental science and engineering to attend UGC NET exam
ugc net score is used to recruitment for lecturers in college and as well as research fellowship program, see if you want to come in teaching career or interested to do phd then you should appear in ugc net, however m.tech in environment engineering has also various job available in many industry and manufacturing company. however try to do m.tech from a tier 1 institute, like iits, nits, vit vellore, bits etc.
Yes, you can apply for CSIR if you have done your bachelor in civil , your bachelor will be considered for this as an eligibility criteria and along with this if you have done your master too then remember you must lie under the age criteria of 28 to be eligible.
Best of luck.
please mention me the college names where environmental engineering is available....?
There are a number of Colleges across India providing the environmental engineering course. Some of them are-
* IIT, Bombay
* IIT, Madras
* Manipal institute of technology, Manipal
* College of engineering, Pune
* VIT, Vellore
* SRM institute of science and technology, Chennai
* Indian institute of space science and technology, Thiruvananthapuram
Hope this helps.
Good luck!
can I get a list for environmental engineering for graduation
The main areas of environmental engineering include air pollution control, industrial hygiene, radiation protection, hazardous waste management, toxic materials control, recycling, water supply, wastewater management, storm water management, solid waste disposal, public health and land management.etc.
These are some of the fields of environmental engineering course for graduation.
I hope this help
Which college is best for Environmental engineering in Maharastra? And is there any scope for Environmental Engineering?
Top colleges for Environmental engineering in Maharastra are listed below
- Indian Institute of Technology Bombay.
- College of Engineering , Pune.
- Institute of Chemical Technology, Mumbai.
- Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute, Mumbai.
- Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology Nagpur.
- Sinhgad College of Engineering , Pune.
- Walchand College of Engineering , Sangli.
- Some of the Job profiles for environmental engineers are Environmental Engineering Technicians, Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Lead Project Engineer etc,
- Environmental engineers work in research centers, NGOs, and government departments etc .
- Even CPCB i.e Central Pollution Control Board of government of India recruits environmental engineers for various posts through the UPSC examination
So environmental engineering has good scope.
I studied B.E Civil Engineering .Am I qualified for CSIR Net exam. If qualified ,then which subject stream should I choose or I should do M.E Environmental engineering?
Hello Sabha
I think you can't give CSIR NET exam as you are from Ciivl Engineering (as mentioned).
Only CSE and it's subordinates aren allowed to give CSIR NET. The rule changed in 2015 i think.
You can give GATE exam which is more than equivalent to CSIR NET.