does any NIT offer Btech in environmental engineering?
Sorry, None of the NITs offers Environmental Engineering course. But there are one IIT that offers B.Tech degree in Environmental Engineering, have a look-
Indian Institute of Technology, Dhanbad
I am mentioning other Institutions as well offering B.Tech Environmental Engineering, have a look
1. Delhi Technological University,
2. LD college of Engineering
3. JSS Science and Technology University
4. The Institutions of Engineering India, Kolkata
5. Singhania University, Jhunjhunu
6. Tamilnadu Agricultural University
7. Vaugh Institute of Agricultural Engineering and Technology, Allahabad
8. Dr. S and SS Gandhy Government Engineering College, Surat
9. Saveetha School of Engineering, Chennai
10. Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi
To see the complete list please go through this link
Environmental engineering colleges in tamilnadu
* Environmental Engineering is a very popular discipline of engineering that deals with the issues related to the environment. The Environmental Engineers devote themselves finding out renewable sources of energy and solutions to curb pollution and other environmental issues. They work for the sustainable development of the earth and its living organisms. They also make devices for waste and water management in rural and urban areas, improved sanitation system, to stop the water-borne diseases. They study the effects of technological growth on environment such as: the effects of global warming, pollution, reason for shortage of rainfall, acid rain etc. In short, the Environmental Engineers are constantly engaged in maintaining the health of the earth and the living creatures on it.
* Environmental engineering is a job type that is a professional engineering discipline and takes from broad scientific topics like chemistry, biology, ecology, geology, hydraulics, hydrology, microbiology, and mathematics to create solutions that will protect and also improve the health of living organisms and improve the quality of the environment.
* Environmental engineering is the application of scientific and engineering principles to improve and maintain the environment to:
- protect human health,
- protect nature's beneficial ecosystems,
- and improve environmental-related enhancement of the quality of human life.
* Environmental engineering is the branch of engineering that is concerned with protecting people from the effects of adverse environmental effects, such as pollution, as well as improving environmental quality. Environmental engineers work to improve recycling, waste disposal, public health, and water and air pollution control, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics.
* The practice of environmental engineering dates back to the dawn of civilization. Ever since groups of people began living in semi-permanent settlements, they have had to deal with the challenges of providing clean water and disposing of solid waste and sewage. With the growth of cities and the advent of large-scale farming and manufacturing, people have also had to worry about air quality and soil contamination.
* Those who work for the environment may join the undergraduate programme in Environmental Engineering. To hone their skill further they may enroll themselves for the postgraduate programme too. The duration of B. Tech in Environmental Engineering is for 4 years and that of M. Tech programme is for 2 years.
* Some of the Environmental engineering colleges in Tamilnadu are:
- Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology, Thanjavur
- Sri Sairam Institute Of Technology, Chennai
- Agni College Of Technology, Chennai
- JKK Nataraja College Of Arts And Science, Kumarapalayam
- The Kavery Engineering College, Salem
- Bhaktavatsalam Memorial College For Women, Chennai
- Park College of Technology, Coimbatore
- Shri Angala Amman College of Engineering and Technology, Siruganoor
- Alagappa College of Technology, Chennai
- J J College of Arts and Science, Pudukkottai
- Centre for Environmental Studies, Chennai
- Sri Subramanya College of Engineering & Technology, Palani
- MIET Engineering College, Trichy
- Erode Sengunthar Engineering College, Erode
- College of Engineering, Chennai
- Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Engineering, Virudhunagar
- Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College AAMEC, Thiruvarur
- A C Government College of Engineering and Technology, Karaikudi
- Periyar Centenary Girl's Polytechnic College, Thanjavur
- Murugappa Polytechnic College, Chennai
- SSM Institute of Textile Technology & Polytechnic College, Namakkal
- KAR Polytechnic, Vellore
- Government College of Technology, Coimbatore
- Angala Amman College of Engineering & Technology
- Fredrick Institute of Plant Protection And Toxicology (FIPPAT), Padappai
- M G R College, Hosur
- Agricultural Engineering College & Research Institute, Kumulur
- Guru Shree Shantivijai jain College For Women, Chennai
- C Abdul Hakeem College of Engineering & Technology, Vellore
- Madras School of Economics, Chennai
- Meenakshi Ammal Polytechnic College, Uttiramerur
- Institute of Road Transport Polytechnic College, Kanchipuram
- Pothigai Polytechnic College, Perambalur
- P S V Polytechnic College, Pudukkottai
- And many more.
* Hope this information helps !!
* Thank you !!
How many seats in mtech in jntuh, are allotted for gate candidates and tspgecet candidates? How much rank should I get in tspgecet 2021 to get into in environmental engineering and management in jntuh?(Gen)
In Jawaharlal Nehru technological University, Hyderabad there are 13 seats available in M.Tech Environmental Management in regular course and 5 seats are available in M.Tech Environmental Management in SNS course. There is no specific number of seats that will be allotted GATE qualified and TS PGECET qualified candidates. The first priority is given to the candidates who have qualified in GATE. After allotment of the seats to the GATE qualified candidates the remaining seats are allotted to the candidates who have qualified in TS PEGECT based on their ranks. So the number of seats for GATE and TS PGECET qualified candidates will not be the same every year.
It is difficult to predict the exact marks with which you may get seat in JNTUH. It is very difficult to get seat in JNTU, Hyderabad through TS PGECET because the preference is given to GATE qualified candidates. You need to score minimum 75-80 marks in TS PGECET to have decent chances of getting seat. Cut off changes every year depending on number of candidates qualified, difficulty of exam and number of seats available etc.
hii sir/madam Im an ICSE student in 10 th grade so for going for environmental engineering which stream should i prefer in my 12 th grade
As you want to choose environmental engineering as your career you need to study PCM/PCB at 12th standard.
After your 12th standard you can either do
B.Tech in environmental science or B.Sc Environmental science.
For more details I'll provide a link below please go through it
Hope this answer might help you
Good luck!!
i qualified UGC NET for assistant professor only in environmental science (M tech in Environmental Engineering) . where i can apply for the post of Assistant Professor..
see environment engineering is related with civil engineering, production engineering like streams. so there is decent chances to get job as a assistant professor in private as well as government college. however govt college has less of vacancy compare to private college. I suggest you to make profile on linkedin, times job and update your cv and education, work experience details regularly. meanwhile you may check the different colleges official website to check for vacancy.
hope it would help.
eligibility criteria for in environmental engineering
Dear Aspirant
M.Tech in Environmental engineering is a 2 year course for which the minimum eligibility is B.E /B.Tceh or equivalent degree with a minimum aggregate of 60%. Admission is based on the GATE score. Some more exams which are conducted by colleges for admission into this course are PGCET, VITMEE, UPSEE, OUAT.
Some of the top institutes offering this course are:
1. Amity University
2. Integral University
3. Jadavpur University
4. NIT, Tiruchirappalli
5. IIT, Kanpur
6. Vellore institute of technology , Vellore
All the best
does iit delhi provides in environmental engineering
Yes,iit delhi provides mtech in environmental engineering and management. The total fee structure of this course is INR 18,900.The eligibility for this course is qualified in gate with 300/1000 marks.Hope this information helps you.
All the best.