is there any YouTube channel for gate biotechnology coaching?
see its hard to find the full syllabus gate biotech videos on you tube, but there is many free lectures and preparation strategy videos are available in youtube, which you may check once from time to time to receive latest updates, difficulty level of papers knowledge.
just search by ''GATE biotechnology'' on you tube , you will get to see many videos on that.
hope it helps.
what Books can be preferred for gate biotechnology
Hi aspirants
Some of the books for Gate preparation for biotechnology
- Biotechnology - Pranav Kumar
- Fundamentals of Biochemistry - Lehninger
- Principle of Bioprocess Engineering - P. Doran
- GATE Biotechnology - GK Publishers
- Life Science part 1 and 2. - Pathfinder publications
- GATE General Aptitude and Mathematics - GK Publishers
- Gene cloning and DNA analysis - T.A Brown
For more information click the link
Hope this Helps
Good Luck!
My GATE Rank is AIR 1101 and score is 433 for GATE Biotechnology (General category). Will I be able to get into any of the NITs?
Hello Aspirant,
Unfortunately not, on such GATE score it is quite difficult to get any of the NIT or IIT.
The reason being is, If we go through the analysis of previous year's GATE score Vs College allotment than according to the GATE 2021 score mentioned by you in the query you have very less chances of getting any of the IITs or NITs because their cut-offs are somewhere around 500-550 marks for General category so I would recommend you to go with some private colleges in states like Andhra Pradesh , Telangana and some others because some private colleges also accept admission on the basis of GATE score.
You can check out previous year's cut-offs from the link given below :-
Note that the above prediction is made on the basis of latest cut-offs and the cut-offs are bound to change every year depending upon various factors such as the number of candidates appearing in an examination, the number of candidates qualifying an examination, difficulty level of the paper, and so on.
To have a list of all those colleges which you can get based upon your GATE 2021 Score and category you can use GATE College Predictor :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
i am completed my bsc in biotechnology and now i pursuing msc in food technology can i elegible for gate biotechnology entrance test.
Hi Aspirant,
Let me clear this to you.Bsc (3 year) student are not eligible for Gate .The eligibility for giving gate examination is that you must have pursued 4 years qualifying degree after 10+2 level.However Bsc degree holder in engineering,technology etc who have 4 years of study are eligible for Gate however.
Hope it helps!!
what is the total marks of gate exam?what is the cut off of gate biotechnology?
Here is the cut off of 2019 and 2020 for Gate biotechnology exam but this cut off may vary according to college but still you will get an idea about cut off for this year.
Year 2019
General - 35.9
OBC - 32.3
SC/ST/PD - 23.9
Year 2020
General - 30.7
OBC - 27.6
SC/ST/PD - 20.4
The exam will be of 100 marks and total 65 questions you will have 3 hours and mode of exam will be online.
Check out this link for exam details
what is Gate biotechnology exam pattern ?
GATE Exam will be conducted for a duration of three hours including two types of questions-multiple type question and numerical answer type questions, a total of 65 questions will be asked with two parts such as general aptitude ad biotechnology which has five sections such as engineering mathematics, general biotechnology, genetics, cellular and molecular biology, fundamentals of biological engineering, bioprocess engineering and process biotechnology, you can check out the full syllabus at
Recommended books are as follows;
- Biotechnology by Pranav Kumar
- Fundamentals of Biochemistry by Lehninger
- Principle of Bioprocess Engineering by P. Doran
- GATE Biotechnology by GK Publishers
- Life Science part 1 and 2 by Pathfinder publications
- Immunology by Kuby
- GATE General Aptitude and Mathematics by GK Publishers
- Molecular Cell Biology by lodish and Baltimore
- Bioprocess Engineering by Schuler & Kargi
- Bioprocess Engineering principles by Pauline Doran
- Molecular biology of the gene by James Watson
- Immunology by Kuby
- Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig
- Principles of Gene manipulation by Primrose & Twyman
- Gene cloning and DNA analysis by T.A Brown
- Plant Biotech by Slater
You can get the previous year paper at to help you in your preparation process.
can ece student write gate biotechnology? after wirting any college or job opportunities available?
yes offcourse you are eligible to give GATE in biotechnology. GATE is a type of exam in which any candidate switch their field of study or can grow in their same field of study. It doesn't matter what ug course you have studied. If you want to switch your field you can do it. For doing so you need to study all the subjects of biotechnology according to gate syllabus and while filling up the application you need to opt for BT (for biotechnology).
Syllabus for Biotechnology includes :
Section 1 : Engineering Mathematics
Section 2 : General Biotechnology
Section 3 : Genetics, Cellular and Molecular Biology
Section 4 : Fundamentals of Biological Engineering
Section 5 : Bioprocess Engineering and Process Biotechnology
Section 6 : Plant, Animal and Microbial Biotechnolgy
Section 7 : Recombinant DNA Technologyand Other Tools in Biotechnology
Hope this will help you
all the best!!
is it possible to do Mtech food technology in anna university after clearing gate biotechnology (bt)
A B.Tech Biotechnology graduate can give GATE exam in M. Tech Food Technology.
Candidates must have a valid GATE Score with a qualifying score for assistantship in appropriate discipline of Engineering/ Technology. They must also have a recent TANCET score, that is conducted by Anna University.
Thank you.
I have a GATE Biotechnology score of 500 and AIR 562 in 2020. What are my chances of getting any IIT?
Based on your GATE score these are the best colleges you can get-
- UoH - University of Hyderabad-M.Tech. in Bioinformatics
- IIEST Shibpur - Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology-M.Tech. in Biomedical Engineering
- NITK Surathkal - National Institute of Technology-M.Tech. in Industrial Biotechnology
- NIT Rourkela - National Institute of Technology-M.Tech. in Atmosphere and Ocean Science
- NIT Arunachal Pradesh - National Institute of Technology-M.Tech. in Appropriate Technology and Entrepreneurship
- MANIT - Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology-M.Tech in Green Technology
I got 1500 in GATE Biotechnology. Which are the institutions where I have good chance to get into ?
Refer to this link for your help -