I have got 48%ile in Jee main Belong to General. Want to do CSE in pune.Good college chances and which?
Hello Kushal, you must be aware of the fact that you did not hava that much good percentile or marks that you can get any good governemnt college and you are restricting yourself to a pune. So, according to me you can for any good private college. There are plenty of them just go and apply for them. Goodluck.
I paid Rs.499 twice on 29/04 & 30/05 for JEE MAIN & WBJEE College predictor. Few weeks back it stopped working. Do the needful or refund.
This problem should not have been occurred.
Kindly Check the details of the college predictor you have enrolled for.
We are very sorry for the inconvenience caused to you.
I will be forwarding the difficulties you are facing to the higher authorities.
Your issue will be resolved soon.
Best Wishes
I got rank 16049 , General category male with HS Rajasthan... Which are suitable college for me. Pls help
Your rank is pretty good ,
And yes there is fair chance of getting admission into any nits or iiits.
Do visit the above link for the probable colleges that you can get according to your rank,.
Link:-- https://engineering.careers360.com/jee-main-college-predictor?icn=JEE_Main_clgpd&ici=JEE_Main_article_view_sticky
Hope it helped you.
Best of luck...!!
I have locked my choices wrong in csab special round and now A seat has been alloted to me. Is there any way to rearrange my choices?
Unfortunately, NO. This was the last chance you could have done something correctly. Neither there is anymore round n counselling, nor you can change the filled choices. It cannot be altered now. You have to accept it.
Best of Luck.
Hope this helps.
is there any chance of getting CSE in any IIT if my "PREP RANK - 38" after passing 1 year preparatory course in IIT ?
When you take admission in any IIT through a preparatory course, then you are not alloted any branch during the time of admission.
During first year you are not taught any engineering but only 11th and 12th science and maths and after 1 year you give exams.
Based on you performance in these exams, you are alloted a branch in your institute so getting CS only depends on how much hard work you can put in the first year.
My crl rank is 127000 and obc rank is 38000. I want cse branch. My category is obc. I am living in mp. Suggst me best college in mp.
Well as per my knowledge and your crl rank i.e. common rank list you can try for the semi- government college in mp or you can go for private colleges.
Because for government nits , iits your rank is quite low .
But still you can try for it .
All the best
Cant we do payment of Rs.36,500 in special round of CSAB with debit card other than SBI ???
Please give a mail to the email address mentioned here...Me also facing same problem...and couldn't registered yesterday...
With 42460 crl rank and 5413 ews rank and Uttar Pradesh as home state what can I get from csab spot round 2019?
Hello Ishan,
To get a seat through CSAB counselling you have to first be eligible for the same. Since you are an EWS candidate, the cutoff for GEN-EWS is 78.21 percentile in JEE Main. CSAB Special Round (Spot Round) counselling takes candidates who have a valid JEE Main rank and are qualified and also who meet up the JoSAA eligibility criteria. Now as per your rank you can get a seat through CSAB for NITs,IIITs,GFTIs. Also you have an advantage of home state quota. So better apply for CSAB Special Round counselling and see which colleges are you getting and also which branches are being available to you.
You can go through this link and checkout all the detailed information regarding CSAB counselling : https://engineering.careers360.com/articles/csab
Good Luck !!!!
JEE Main Paper2 college predictor
Hello Sonika
NTA conducts Jee mains paper 2 for admissions in various architectural colleges in India.NTA has announced the Jee mains paper 2 result on 14 May.
You can use the given url to predict your college:
Hope you find this helpful
Thank you
All the Best...
As obc rank 98k is not adelegant score but though you can get admission into any private prestigious college of engineering .
The top private institutes you can take admission into are SRM , Bennet university , LPU , Amity university.
Hope it helps!!!