i have got 104069 rank in jee mains 2018. i have given upsee, jee advanced and bitsat(score-169). i have not much chances for jee advanced
hi pranav,
There are a lot of private colleges which accept JEE Main Marks.
- International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad
- BIT Mesra, Ranchi
- Thapar University, Patiala
- SASTRA University, Thanjavur
- Silicon Institute of Technology, Bhubaneshwar
- Vishwakarma Institute of Technology, Pune
- Shiv Nadar University, Dadri
- Jaypee Institute of Information Technology, Noida
- SSN College of Engineering, Kalavakkam
- Nirma University, Ahmedabad
- PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
- Satyabhama University, Chennai
- ITM University, Gwalior
- Banasthali University, Banasthali
- Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata
- Lovely Professional University, Phagwara
- Symbiosis International University, Pune
There are many more private colleges which accept JEE Main score. You can find them here Top 50 Private Engineering Colleges in India Accept JEE Main Score
BITSAT marks are considered only in the BITS campuses in India. No other college considers this score, officially. Some local colleges (not the top 100 in India) may consider that score as a measure of your merit, amd offer admission. But you dont need to really focus on those colleges.
Hope this helped you.Just go through the cutoff trend of each of the colleges mentioned above.
Best of luck.
in term of placement and infrastructure which college accepts jee mains score ? please provide complete list of best college
Sir, I got 5400 obc rank in jee advanced can I get IIPE visakhapatnam or IISER... Plzz help me which college can I get
I also got the same rank and i’m also trying to get in iipe. I am also having the same question.
sir I get 1547 st rank iit jee advance I know I cant get any iit college so in wich college b.tech. I should take admission
which college I would get if my rank in jee advance is 12140.(general category)
You have less chances to get IITs based on your rank.
You can also check your chances by using below college predictor
JEE Advance College predictor
Good Luck!!
sir, i got 3818 rank in advan in obc sall expect seat in any iit other colleges
Yes according to the latest cutoffs you can definitely get seats in many iits though they may not be of good in nature like ee,ece,cs,it and others but yes branches like civil,biotech,mech,pie and many other you can get in iits such as iit bhubaneshwar iit mandi and many other iits so I would advice you to sit in counselling fill you preferences wisely and hope for the best you can use ths college predictor link for the same https://engineering.careers360.com/jee-advanced-college-predictor?icn=QnA&ici=qna_answer
my jee advance 2017 rank in SC category is 5633. CAN I GET ANY IIT?
sir my jee mains obc rank 7934 & adv. rank 6539 OBC . which iit or nit can I get ?
You can also check the cut off from the given below link
JEE Advanced Cut off
You have chances to get NITs based on your JEE rank.
To check which NITs you can use below college predictor
JEE Main College predictor
Good Luck!!
my jee advance rank is 16k. can I try for IIT in jossa or go with nits and iiits.
For providing you better knowledge about JOSAA counselling I will provide you a link , kindly check the link given below