what if we report to the college late in kcet 2021?
You are supposed to report to college at the given time if not your seat will be lost. KEA has released the KCET UGCET second extended round seat allotment dates. As per the dates released in the PDF notification, the display of seat matrix will be on December 24, 2021 at 11 am. KEA has released the KCET 2021 round 2 seat allotment result on December 10 at the official website. The authorities released the AP PGECET 2021 result on October 20.
can I attempt kcet next year if I dont get any seat in second extended round kcet 2021?
hello aspirant,
I hope that you are doing great.
With reference to your above mentioned query, I would like to tell you that you can definitely try and attempt for KCET examination for the nest year also if you don't get any seat in any round of counselling. there is no restrictions in the number of attempts you take and also there is no age limit also.
Further, of you wishj to know the KCET eligibility criteria, then here is the key takeaways for the same :
Candidates must be a citizen of India
Candidates must have passed the 2nd PUC/Class 12/equivalent examination with Physics and Mathematics as mandatory subjects
Along with the compulsory subjects, candidates must have anyone optional subjects - Biology/Chemistry/Bio-Technology/ Electronics/Computer Science with a language subject English
There are no minimum marks needed for General and reserved categories.
Further , for more information about the KCET examination - dates, cutoff, preparation tips and mnay other things - you can follow the link below :
I hope that this will help.
can i cancel my seat in second extended round of kcet 2021 if I dont that college.
As per the information given in the information brochure if a candidate fails to report to the college after allotment of seats in the Second Extended Round of the counselling legal action will be initiated against such candidate in accordance with law. After the second extended seat allotment a candidate cannot exercise any choice. So, you cannot cancel the seat allotted in the second extended round. You need to get admission in the allotted institute by paying the prescribed fee and report at the allotted institute.
when is the third round kcet 2021 allotment?
After KCET Second Round the second extended round will be conducted by KEA. As of now the schedule for Second Extended Round schedule is not yet released. The schedule will be released anytime soon. Please wait until the schedule is released. Due to maintenance of the KEA Website the site has been working slow. The last date for option entry for second round was also extended. The second round concluded on December 16, 2021. If there are vacant seats the second extended round will be conducted. To check the schedule use the link below
is there any option entry before 2nd extended round in kcet 2021
There is an option entry before 2nd extended round which is second round. And similar to the first round there will be a choice entry where you have to choose (1,2,3,4)
- I want this college and stop going forward to next round
- I want this college but also willing to try next round
- I don't want this college but willing to try next round
- I don't want college and want to quit councelling.
In this you can choose your choice according to the college you get but second extended round is the last one.
Thank you
when is kcet 2021 second extended round?
As of now there is no information regarding KCET 2021 second extended round. KEA has released the KCET 2nd round seat allotment result at the official website cetonline.karnataka.gov.in. Applicants were able to modify their options for KCET counselling round 2 from December 7 to 9. Keep an eye on the official website for the latest information. Only those candidates who qualified the KCET 2021 and received a valid rank can participate in KCET counselling 2021.
if i choose choice 2 in second Round How can i change Choice entry once again in KCET 2021 ?????Please help meeeeeee
It is mentioned by Karnataka Examinations Authority itself that the options you choose in the first round of counselling will remain same throughout the three rounds of counselling and they can't be changed for further rounds. You can reorder only higher options. The options entered by the candidate for the first round will remain same even for the second round of seat allotment (only in the higher order). The candidates will not be allowed to enter options again. Option Entry done before the first round will be the final list of options.
If new colleges are added to the seat matrix, then you can add them .Usually fresh option entry will be allowed during second round.
Hope it helps.
can i Change the choice entry in second round of KCET 2021?
The KEA has released the KCET 2nd round seat allotment result at the official website - cetonline.karnataka.gov.in. Applicants were able to modify their options for KCET counselling round 2 from December 7 to 9. Yes you could have changed the choice entry in KCET second round but now it is not possible because the last date to change the option entry was on 9th December 2021. The round 2 seat allotment results were declared on 10th December 2021.
i got 76620 rank in kcet 2021 but i didnt get any seat for cs in 2 rounds will i be able to get it in the third round with the category 2b ??
Hello aspirant,
Hope that you are doing well.
With the above rank scored by you, I would like to tell you that you might get a CS seat in any colleges in the 2nd extended round or in third round counselling. But it's still a prediction as the cutoff changes every year and is different for different category students. The cutoff depends on number of factors like number of candidates appeared ion examination, difficulty level of the paper, and the previous year cutoff trends.
So, according to the previous year cutoff trneds, you have some chances to get a CS seat in AMC college and similar colleges.
You can check the KCET cutoff trends by clicking in the below article :
Further, for more information about your admission in other colleges in CS branch based on your KCET rank, you can check the below KCET college predictor tool :
I hope that this will help.