are there any changes in the NCERT books for the year 2022 in neet
Hello Aspirant,
No there are no any kind of changes in NCERT textbooks of Biology, Physics and Chemistry because the syllabus for NEET is same as of last year and for 2022 it is not yet released but if it hardly makes any change in NEET syllabus then also it would be only from NCERT not from any other book, so you can go with the latest edition of NCERT textbooks for NEET preparation. As this year, even after the reduction in syllabus of various boards there was no change in the NEET syllabus instead some choices had been introduced in NEET 2021 to cope-up the reduction of syllabus of various boards and the NEET 2021 syllabus is given below for your reference :-
@Physics :-
> Physical world and measurement
> Electrostatics
> Kinematics
> Current Electricity
> Laws of Motion
> Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
> Work, Energy and Power
> Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
> Motion of System of Particles and Rigid Body
> Electromagnetic Waves
> Gravitation
> Optics
> Properties of Bulk Matter
> Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
> Thermodynamics, Oscillations and Waves
> Atoms and Nuclei
> Behaviour of Perfect Gas and Kinetic Theory
> Electronic Devices
@Chemistry :-
> Some Basic Concepts of Chemistry
> Solid State
> Structure of Atom
> Solutions
> Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
> Electrochemistry
> Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
> Chemical Kinetics
> States of Matter: Gases and Liquids
> Surface Chemistry
> Thermodynamics
> General Principles and Processes of Isolation of Elements
> Equilibrium
> p-Block Elements
> Redox Reactions
> d and f Block Elements
> Hydrogen
> Coordination Compounds
> s-Block Element (Alkali and Alkaline earth metals)
> Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
> Some p-Block Elements
> Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
> Organic Chemistry- Some Basic Principles and Techniques
> Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
> Hydrocarbons
> Organic Compounds Containing Nitrogen
> Environmental Chemistry
> Biomolecules, Polymersand Chemistry in Everyday Life
@Biology :-
> Diversity in Living World
> Reproduction
> Structural Organization in Animals and Plants
> Genetics and Evolution
> Cell Structure and Function
> Biology and Human Welfare
> Plant Physiology
> Biotechnology and Its Application
> Human Physiology
> Ecology and Environment
For complete details and latest updates on NEET 2021 Syllabus kindly check out the link given below :-
If you are preparing for NEET then to help you in your preparation we have some resources which you can access from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
i am trying to give neet 2022 and get a government college i have allen kota study material, hc verma , and ncert books can i get my dream college . i am from delhi ,name - lav kumar jha i am now studying in class 12th and have all the eligibility crieteria
You have almost all kinds of study material with you which is quite good and displays your zeal to clear the NEET 2022 examination.
I would recommend you to be determined towards your studies and give proper time to your preparations
- Go through the syllabus and note the topics according to their Marks weightage.
- Prepare a proper schedule of learning and revision according to the syllabus and weightage.
- Give ample of time for problem solving
- Also try solving previous years question papers.
other than these you need to be determined, motivated and passionate to pursue yourself to study
Hope that helps
All the best!!!
IS THERE ANY MAJOR CHANGE IN NCERT CLASS 12 and 11 CHEMISTRY? 2021 - 2022 ? I am preparing for jee 2022...can I prepare from the old ncert books (chemistry)???
Dear aspirant
There are no major changes happens in NCERT textbooks of textbook. There are only minor changes which happens in 2-3yrs. So don't worry about that.
Just use the NCERT latest edition textbook like of year2020 & 2021 that will be enough for you.
Also as you are jee main aspirant if there major changes in NCERT your teacher will inform about that.
So try to grab the concept of the topics and try not being worried about all this things.
All the best
heyy..... please tell me about the syllabus of ecc entrance exam?? There is my exam after four days please help me!!!!! are class 12th ncert books sufficient for that??
Hi Dipti,
Topics that are covered in the course study of the ECC Exam are as follows.
- Introduction to Computer and Basic Concepts
- Operating Systems
- Basic Computer Hardware
- Word Processing
- Spreadsheets
- Presentations
- Database Management Systems
- Cyber Security
- PC Maintenance, Security, and Troubleshooting
- Networking and Troubleshooting
- Latest Trends in IECT and E-Governance
- Application of Digital Financial Services
- Electronic Mail - A detailed view
- Introduction to Multimedia
- HTML Programming Basics
- Soft Skills, etc.
Here are some tips for you to prepare for the ECC Exam 2021:-
- Fix your goal and make sure to start your preparation early for the exam.
- Be thorough with the ECC Exam Syllabus 2021 and follow a routine.
- Clear all the basic concepts from the course material.
- The best way to improve knowledge is by studying daily and brush up on all the important points.
- Refer to the previous year’s ECC Exam question paper and solve as many questions as you can.
- Attempt mock test which will improve your speed and accuracy.
- Look after your weak subjects and start working on them.
Hope you find this information helpful.
All the Best.
does use ncert books for hsc board ?
For the HSC board test, NCERT books are required. The following are some of the advantages of reading NCERT books: They provide in-depth knowledge in a simple language.
They quickly dispel any concerns about complicated themes and issues.
It make the concept of the students crystal apparent.
Although NCERT is required, this does not guarantee that test questions will be based only on the text book. As NCERT BOOKS are the foundation, they establish your fundamental concepts and provide a platform for competitive examinations.
Hope it helped
Thank you
As per your query you have to follow NCERT books for your competitive exams. It is prescribed that students must follow NCERT books for neet and jee mains. Ncert books are good and is often used by students for clearing concepts and solving mcqs . Apart from ncert you must also follow h.c verma, d.c pandey,true man's objective for biology, GRB A textbook of physical chemistry and elementary problems in organic chemistry. You must solve mcqs regularly and time bound practice
As for your boards if you understand the concept and write it in your own words there should not be any problems but books prescribed by the board contains a lot of extra things not included in competitive exams and the board also wants their students to write answers as written in the books prescribed by them. So i suggest you go through your board books for your board exam and if you find any difficulty in understanding refer NCERT. Consult both books and see which concept is written better in which book and better for you to understand.
hope this helps
which type of ncert books to read for jee iit preparation
Dear Aspirant,
See NCERT books would help you grasp basics of all concepts . NCERT Chemistry textbook of Class 11 and Class 12 are very important for inorganic chemistry part in JEE.
But for scoring a good percentile and good rank, reference books shall be used as these have the quality questions and content which are framed with keeping in mind JEE specifically.
Check out this:
Books for JEE Mains:
Some tips for JEE Mains :
which type of ncert books read for iit jee preparation I mean text books (ncert) or other books
Hello Aspirant,
See NCERT books are must to read books so I am enlisting down some best side books for preparation of JEE-Advance 2021 and note that these are apart from NCERT, you have to read concepts through NCERT and then you can solve questions of different difficulty levels from these side books using the same concept that you read from NCERT so that your concept will built in your mind forever :-
Concepts of Physics by H C Verma (Vol-1 and Vol-2)
Fundamentals of Physics by David Halliday/Resnick/Walker
IIT JEE Physics by Arihant (35 years Chapterwise Solved Papers 2013-1979)
Objective Mathematics By R.D. Sharma
Plane Trigonometry and Coordinate Geometry (Two Books) by S.L Loney
Problems in Calculus Of One Variable by I.A.Maron
Integral Calculus for IIT-JEE by Amit M Agarwal (Arihant Publications)
A Text Book of Algebra For JEE Main & Advanced by Dr. SK Goyal (Arihant Publications)
Physical Chemistry by OP Tandon
Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations by R.C. Mukherjee
Organic Chemistry by O.P. Tandon
Organic Chemistry by Paula Bruice Yurkanis
Organic Chemistry by Morrison & Boyd
Inorganic Chemistry by J.D Lee
Inorganic Chemistry by O P Tandon
If you are preparing for JEE-Advance then you can check out the link given below for best preparation tips :-
You can also check out the complete JEE-Advance 2021 syllabus from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
can i make my chemistry notes in my ncert books alongwith 2 to 5 pages notes into it for neet i am a 2022 aspirant and want Aiims D
Hope you are doing well as making notes is a good habit but as you are saying you want to take admission in Delhi AIIMS so you have to do lot of hard work because the cut off for AIIMS Delhi is too high it is around 50 for general category and according to laat year trend you should score more than 650 to get admission in aiims so you must make short notes and read ncert properly each and every line of ncert is important because we don't know from which part question will be asked so it will be better to read ncert and highlight important points in book make good notes but not in 2 or 5 pages it should be well prepared because that notes will help you In doing revision also .
further you can solve Mcqs and do sample papers and mock test
Below is the link for the sample papers of neet u can solve them after completing your ncert
Good luck
Hope it helps
Is Tamilnadu State board syllabus enough for cracking VITEEE??? Can I get a very good rank if I study my 12th TN syllabus thoroughly instead of learning NCERT books??
Surely you should be thorough with your class 12th TN syllabus. NCERT books have their own value. All the CBSE students study these books. So if you get time you should also have a look at those. NCERT books are very good for the revision of concepts. You can definitely crack VITEEE if you are consistent with your studies and you have hold over all the concept.
Hope this Helps!
Good Luck