I am neet ug aspirant...my marks in neet ug 2021 are 457....in which college I can take admission
Dear candidate, based on the marks scored by you, if you are a SC candidate then your chances of admission into government MBBS colleges remains moderate, in BDS colleges it is somewhat more. But if you are from General, EWS or OBC, other category then you do not have fair chances of admission into government colleges. You have more chances into private colleges, but it's better not to loose hope. Use our NEET UG college predictor to predict the best colleges based on your merit rank
Good luck!!
Hello sir .. I wanna know about which college I will get with marks of 540 in neet UG 2021 and iam from telangana and category BCD with rank of 941 which college will I get in telangana..???
Hello aspirant.
I am listing names of a few government as well as private colleges where you can have a chance based on the previous year cut off for the BCD category-
1. Mamtha Medical College, Khammam- 515
2. Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences, Narketpally- 512
3. SVS Institute of Medical sciences- 516
4. Bhaskara Medical College- 502
5. Maheshwara Medical College- 493
6. Government Medical College, Siddhipet- 538
You can also use our college predictor tool to help you know the same- https://medicine.careers360.com/neet-college-predictor
Hope it helps!
i got 590 in neet ug 2021 rajasthan domicile i want admission in management seat in any government college in rajasthan in 1 round the management quota closed 350 seat before me will i get admission also this year 140 nri seats are vacant in 1 round will they convert to mgmt seat next round
Dear aspirant,
As you have secured 590 marks in neet 2021 then you can definitely crack some or the other government college through rajasthan domicile but yes you may not get that good colleges like sms medical College , madan Mohan Malviya ayurveda government college, SPMC bikaner RUHS college of medical sciences.
Although various factors are considered while deciding the cut offs like number of candidates appearing in the examination, number of vacant seats in college, previous years cut offs and difficulty level of the paper.
For more information you can check out the link given below-
I want to know about --- vacant seats for round 2 neet ug counseling 2021 for haryana state in govt medical colleges for mbbs & according to them how can I do my choice filling list with which govt. college under priority to get more chances for seat allotment 406 marks SC neet ug 2021 Kashish Kum
Hello aspirant,
i hope that you are doing absolutely great.
With reference to your above mentioned query, I would like to tell you that the vacant seats are filled as and when the candidates lock their choices for the same. Since you have mentioned that you have scored 406 marks in NEET UG examination, the chances for you to get admisison seat from harayana State NEEt counselling are low to decent as the cutoff for NEET keeps changing every year and is different for different category students.
Directorate of Medical Education and Research (DMER), Haryana, is the conducting authority of Haryana MBBS 2021 counselling for the eligible candidates. As per the latest update, DMER has released the round 1 allotment list for Haryana NEET 2021 counselling
The haryana state NEET counselling for round 2 has not started yet, so you have to wait for it.
Further, you can check the state wise NEET cutoff by following the link below :
Further, check other colleges for admission based on your percentile score and rank in NEET :
I hope that this will help.
Which documents should be submit if I am belonging to hilly area in maharashtra state for neet ug 2021 councelling
Hello aspirant,
I want to inform you that following documents are required for your counselling-:
- NEET hall card/admit card
- NEET marksheet
- 12th class leaving certificate
- domicile certificate of maharashtra
- 12th class marksheet
- 10th class school leaving certificate
- medical fitness certificate
- If belong to any reservation category like ews, obc etc then that certificate.
Thats all what you required. No other documents are required.
you can also check that after login to your application after in cetcell then click on documents displayed on the left side of your screen on your computer or menu in your phone.
hopefully i have cleared your doubt.
explain penulty in neet ug 2021 Maharashtra councelling in last round that is mop up round
The official brochure of Maharashtra state counselling states that " Any candidate responsible for lapse of MBBS/BDS seat will have to pay Non Refundable a penalty of Rs.10,00,000/- (Rupee Ten Lacs Only). This penalty is applicable to all those candidates who do not join during last round or cancel a seat after last round of admission. This penalty is also applicable to any candidate resigning a seat after cut off date for MBBS/BDS courses or also fails to complete the course, no matter what the category the student belongs to"
Hope it helps!
is there any physical document verification process before choice filling in neet ug 2021 Maharashtra councelling or physical document verification is done after college allotment??
Dear Reader,
Hope you are doing well..
No,there is not any physical document verification process before choice filling in NEET UG 2021 Maharashtra counselling due to covid protocol strictly followed there but Yes,there is a physical document verification process when you are alloted college and you go there to complete admission procedure.
The documents uploaded by you during the application process must be submitted during the document verification at the reporting centre. All original and attested certificate copies must be produced at the time of physical document verification, as well as at the time of admission there.
You can also visit the link mentioned below to check all the documents required during the documents verification there:
Hope this helps to resolve your doubts regarding this.
Have a nice day and great future ahead..
what happened if we not reported to the in institute which is alloted to us in mop up round which is last round for mbbs and bams neet ug 2021 Maharashtra councelling is we have to pay penulty account because we dont reported to alloted institute in last round
Hello aspirant,
I want to inform you that as you have asked that what will happen if we do not report to the alloted college in mop-up round, nothing much gonna happen just your seat that you have alloted will move to next round and you will not be allowed to take part in further counselling process and that seat will be alloted to any other candidate in the next round that will be stray vacency round.
Hopefully i have cleared your doubt.
Is there is penulty if we not join college after declaration of mop up round in neet ug 2021 maharashtra councelling
Hey there,
hope you are doing well and keeping good..
so heres the answer to your query..
after the mopup round if you still dont join the college, there would be penalty charged as per your category and reservations:
for general category:
e Registration fee : Rs.1000(in govt. colleges) & Rs. 5000(in private college)
admission fees : Rs. 2lakhs(in private colleges for all categories)
for SC/ ST/ OBC/ PH category:
e Registration fee : Rs.500(for both govt and private colleges)
which is to be paid once you accept and freeze the seat.
But if you dont join the college.. only the admission fees will be refunded else nothing will be charged for cancelling the seat...you dont need to pay any extra surcharge or penalty for this.
hope you understood it...
with best regards...
If I cant get any seat in round 1 and round 2in neet ug 2021 maharashtra then will I automatically entered in mop up round or there will be my choice to enter in maharashtra mop up round or not?
Hello aspirant.
If you do not get allotted any seat during the first and second round of Maharashtra state counselling procedure and wish to participate in the mop round, there will be no re registration or fresh registrations for it. Your list of selected choice of colleges will go automatically to the mop up round and no college name can be added or deleted from the list.
All the best!