if I completed in chemistry for neet 2022 these chapters which are theoretically based chapters how much I scored 1thermodynamics 2biomolecules 3polymer 4chdmistry in every day life 5periodic table 6solid state 7chemical kinetics 8alcohol phenol and ether 9general organic chemistry 10p block.
Hello aspirant,
There is no guaranteed indicator as to what marks you can score if you do the mentioned chapters. You can check out the chapter wise weightage for Chemistry and focus and revise chapters that have a high weightage, though each chapter has its own importance-
Basic Concepts of Chemistry:- 1 %
Structure of Atom :- 2 %
Classification of Elements & Periodicity in Properties :- 2%
Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure :- 5 %
States of Matter: Gases and Liquids :- 2 %
Equilibrium :-6 %
Thermodynamics :- 8 %
Redox Reactions :- 3 %
s-Block Elements :- 2 %
Some p-Block Elements :- 2 %
Organic Chemistry: Basic Principles & Techniques :- 4 %
Hydrocarbons :- 3 %
Solid State :- 2 %
Solutions :- 5 %
Electrochemistry :- 2 %
Chemical Kinetics :- 3 %
Surface Chemistry :- 2 %
Isolation of Elements :- 2 %
p-Block Elements :- 5 %
d- and f-Block Elements :- 4 %
Coordination Compounds :- 9 %
Haloalkanes and Haloarenes:- 3 %
Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers:- 4 %
Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids:- 4 %
In chemistry, chapters included in Physical Chemistry such as Thermodynamics, Equilibrium, Structure of Atom and others are completely formula based and 30% theory, so you should try doing numericals from it. Do not leave chapters like biomolecules, polymers and environmental chemistry.
Here are some important topics list and book resources to ace your preparation- https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/neet-preparation-tips
Hope it helps!
Can I study the chapter Biomolecules first without studying the organic chemistry of class 12th?...Moreover I am from Non medical stream....
Hi student,
Yes you can study biomolecules before studying organic chemistry.
The reason of selecting it is because there are no such concepts in this chapter which requires some prior knowledge of organic chemistry but a little knowledge is important like the nomenclature of the compounds their characteristics, groups etc.
So you can study it before organic chemistry but it will retain and understand more better wjen you complete your organic chemistry portion of class 12th.
Hope this answer helps you.
Thank you and very good luck!!!!!
how I memorised inorganic and organic chemistry form ncert in next 15 days
Hello Mansi,
First of all, learn formulas, names(scientific also) of these compounds {you need to resite continuously know them by heart}, now start to practice their structure, for most of them you can easily draw if you remember the formulae, just practice more if there are any loops double and triple bonds for structures, Do not miss these practiced sheets at any cost.
All The Best!!
can we study Inorganic and organic chemistry without studying physical chemistry only for JEE main level?? is there any use of physical chemistry in organic or inorganic chemistry?????
Hi aspirant...!
Hope you're doing great....!
So, with regard of you're query. basically, most of the part chemistry in 11th and 12th grades deals with organic and inorganic chemistry. when, it compared with physical chemistry. most of the questions come from these two parts in chemistry in JEE MAINS level. so, concentrate more on these parts. the physical chemistry is not much involved in these two parts of chemistry. Just know the formulae in the physical chemistry. so, that you can answer the questions that are interlinked between both physical chemistry and these two parts..
Hope this will helps you...!
tips for physical and organic chemistry?? thank you
Hello aspirant,
For PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY- Make your concepts clear.
NCERT theory should be read. Solve your coaching modules, any reference book like N Awasthi, OP Tandon, MTG NEET champion, MTG NCERT at your fingertips, and PYQs from the last 20 or 30 years to learn the application of all formulae. The kind of queries asked from a formula usually follow a pattern.
In physical chemistry, there are usually only 3-6 types of questions that can be formulated from a single formula, and you'll learn about them as you work through the problems in the books described above.
Isomerism, GOC, and other topics are covered in the chapter, Some Basic Concepts Of Organic Chemistry. This chapter should be thoroughly practiced and well grasped. The rest of organic is mostly application of these concepts and memorizing of various reactions, such as their names, temperatures, and catalysts used.
Organic chemistry's final tiny chapters should not be overlooked.
Spend some time with them and take notes. Then refer to them in the week leading up to NEET. For organic, stick to NCERT (although, in the basic organic chapter, the more you study, the better; just avoid unnecessary topics).
All the best!
How to study organic chemistry for neet right from basics. My organic chemistry is very weak. please guide me.
To begin, you must first study and memorize all of the organic chemistry's bonding and stereochemistry properties.
Write down all of the reactions, the name reactions, and any probable derivatives of all organic reactions.
When you study the reactions, do the following
- intermediates
- Cases or chances of rearrangements
- Stereochemistry of reactions
You might go through the NCERT book and read the chapters at a faster pace while taking very brief notes. You can also get assistance from online platforms such as YouTube (crash courses)
Hope it helps!
How to study Organic chemistry for NEET ? which books can I prefer to build my concepts other than ncert ? And to solve problems.
Hello aspirant,
Get yourself two Organic Chemistry notebooks. Use one for mechanisms and the other for named reactions. It is usually preferable to work in the same order as the NCERT textbook. Start with Class 11's two Organic Chemistry chapters, i.e. Some fundamental principles and techniques in organic chemistry and Hydrocarbons.
For the base,
Make sure you understand the IUPAC nomenclature. Learn the names of the roots and preference for functional groups, different functional groups' prefixes and suffixes
Experiment with various scenarios. Begin with basic chemicals and progress to more complex structures as your confidence grows.
Try to match names to structures and vice versa.
Learn about several sorts of representations, such as the Bond line formula. Be clear with the concept of electrophiles and nucleophiles. Be well versed with all the name reactions and NCERT internal examples.
Though NCERT IS ENOUGH, you can also refer to the following books to strengthen your concepts- https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/neet-preparation-tips
Hope it helps!
Hello Aspirant,
See NCERT text books are sufficient for concept learning in Chemistry and honestly speaking NCERT textbook is sufficient for organic chemistry only till JEE-Main and if you want to appear for JEE-Advance then you need to go for some reference books as well so I am enlisting down some best books for preparation of JEE-Main apart from NCERT textbooks, note that NCERT textbooks are must have books for preparation of JEE :-
- Modern Approach to Chemical Calculations-RC Mukherjee
- Organic Chemistry-Solomons and Fryhle
- Concise Inorganic-J. D. Lee
- Organic Chemistry-Morrison and Boyd
- University Chemistry-Freedman and Young
- Physical Chemistry-N Awasthi
- Arihant's Practice Book Chemistry for JEE Main And Advanced-R.K Gupta
- Concepts of Physics-H. C. Verma
- Fundamentals of Physics-Halliday, Resnick and Walker
- Problems in General Physics-I. E. Irodov
- University Physics-Freedman and Young
- Understanding JEE physics series-DC Pandey
- Problem In Physics-SS Krotov
- Higher Algebra-Hall and Knight
- Coordinate Geometry-S.L. Loney
- Differential and Integral Calculus-N. Piskunov
- Calculus and Analytic Geometry-Thomas and Finney
- IIT Mathematics for JEE Main & Advanced-M.L. Khanna
- Course in Mathematics for IIT-JEE-Tata McGraw Hill publication
- Problems Plus in IIT Mathematics-A Das Gupta
- Trigonometry-S L Loney
You can also check out the JEE-Main knockout package for preparation of JEE-Main from the link given below :-
I hope this information helps you.
Good Luck!!
How much marks can I get in JEE MAINS Chemistry if I have studied only physical and inorganic Chemistry . I did not studied organic chemistry
hello aspirant,
It is very difficult to predict the marks as the number of questions keeps changing. If you have not studied inorganic chemistry then it;s fine, because most of questions asked in Chemistry paper in JEE mains comes from the Organic and Physical Chemistry part. You must attempt the organic and Physical Chemistry as they have a weightage equal to 30% and 35% respectively in JEE mains. Whereas, the inorganic c=part in chemistry paper is of 35% weightage, but you can leave this part as you can attempt both organic and physical.
Furthermore, the total weighatge of all chapters in all 3 subjects is listed down below for you reference :
Modern Physics:- 20 marks
Heat and Thermodynamics :- 12 marks
Optics:- 12 marks
Current Electricity :- 12 marks
Electrostatics :- 12 marks
Magnetics :- 8 marks
Unit, Dimension and Vector:- 4 marks
Kinematics :- 4 marks
Laws of motion :- 4 marks
Work, Power and Energy :- 4 marks
Centre Of Mass, Impulse and Momentum :- 4 marks
Rotation :- 4 marks
Gravitation :- 4 marks
Simple Harmonic Motion :- 4 marks
Solids and Fluids :- 4 marks
Waves :- 4 marks
Electromagnetics Induction and AC :- 4 marks
Transition Elements and Coordination Chemistry :- 12 marks
Periodic table and Representative Elements :- 12 marks
Thermodynamics And Gaseous State:- 8 marks
Atomic Structure:- 8 marks
Chemical Bonding:- 8 marks
Chemical And Ionic Equilibrium:- 8 marks
Solid State And Surface Chemistry :- 4 marks
Nuclear Chemistry And Environment:- 8 marks
Mole Concept :- 4 marks
Redox Reaction :- 4 marks
Electrochemistry :- 4 marks
Chemical Kinetics:- 4 marks
Solution and Colligative Properties :- 4 marks
General Organic Chemistry:- 4 marks
Stereochemistry:- 4 marks
Hydrocarbon :- 4 marks
Alkyl Halides :- 4 marks
Carboxylic Acid and their Derivatives:- 4 marks
Carbohydrates,amino acid and Polymers :- 4 marks
Aromatic Compounds :- 4 marks
Coordinate Geometry :- 20 marks
Limits, Continuity and Differentiability :- 12 marks
Integral Calculus :- 12 marks
Complex numbers and Quadratic Equation :- 8 marks
Matrices and Determinants :- 8 marks
Statistics and Probability :- 8 marks
Vector Algebra :- 8 marks
Sets, Relation and Function:- 4 marks
Permutations and Combinations :- 4 marks
Binomial Theorem and Its Application:- 4 marks
Sequences and Series:- 4 marks
Trigonometry :- 4 marks
Mathematical Reasoning :- 4 marks
Differential Equation :- 4 marks
Statics and Dynamics :- 4 marks
Differential Calculus :- 4 marks
Further, to know more about the JEE mains syllabus and percentage weighatge of all chapter in all subject, follow the below link :
I hope that this will help.