hello,is it compulsory to submit domicile certificate with application for air force group c recruitment as i belong to open category.i posted the application without the domicile certificate other than this I sumbited all, can my application get regected please reply soon.
In the Airforce Group C posts official notification it is mentioned that the candidate must submit the supporting such Education Qualification certificate, Age, Domicile certificate, experience and caste certificate etc and they need to duly self attested and sent along with the application form. Every candidate applying for the recruitment shall attach the domicile certificate along with other documents irrespective of their category. If the application is incomplete without providing the necessary documents, it might get rejected. Such candidates will not be considered for recruitment.
when are the kurnool dcc assistant manager recruitment 2021 released
Dear Student,
Krishna District Cooperative Central Bank has recently announced and invited the online applications from the eligible candidates for the posts of Assistant Manager & Staff Assistant. The total number of vacancies for these posts were 100 Posts. The process of submitting of online applications was commenced from 22.02.2021 and last date to apply this was 31.01.2021. The examination was in the month of February, 2021. The selection process will be done through Written Exam and then Interview.
Thank You.