hello sir I have done 12th in pcm on 2021 and now I want to go through neet now as per advice of our teachers i have to repeate 11th and 12th class with pcb . so is that possible to crack the neet and get government seat in MBBS in year 2023
Yes, after 11th and 12th again with PCB yoy will become eligible for neet and after qualifying neet, you can even get admission in government mbbs colleges depending upon neet marks.
If you want to save time,
Then instead of repeating 10+2 , simply pass biology as an additional subject from NIOS and then you will become eligible for neet and can get admission.
This is because,
The eligibility of students with Biology as an additional / optional subject is in the supreme court but until it gives its judgement students, these students are eligible for neet
Here's the eligibility criteria for NEET :-
-----------) Qualification required :-As per Neet eligibility to be eligible you must be either appearing for 12th board examination or should have passed 12th board examination from a recognised board with physics, chemistry ,biology/biotechnology and English as core subject.
†††Important Note :- Students who have passed Biology as an additional subject are also provisionally eligible for neet until Supreme Court gives its judgement.
-----------) Percentage required :- You must get
at least 50 % in aggregate of PCB i.e Physics, Chemistry and Biology/Biotechnology in 12th examination if belongs to general category
at least 40% in aggregate of PCB if belongs to st/Obc/ Sc
at least 45 % in aggregate of PCB in case of pwd candidates to be eligible.
-------------------) Age limit :-
Lower age limit:- to be eligible for neet one has to be at least 17 years old or more by 31st December in the year of appearing for the examination .
Upper age limit :-There's no upper age limit for NEET. Earlier there was upper age limit of 25 years which was pending in supreme court, on 9th march 2022 NMC in its notice has removed upper age limit. For details about it checkout :- https://medicine.careers360.com/articles/neet-number-of-attempts-and-age-limit
--------------------) There's no attempt limit for neet.
For detailed information about neet examination eligibility go through our page for which link is provided below; -
Thank you
Sir/Madam, I am from karnataka state board student and a dropper who took examination on 2021, which qualification code do I have to choose for NEET 2022.My Allen teachers says I have to take code 2 but most of the people says code 2 is for CBSE/ICSE not for me.PLEASE REPLY ME which code is for me
You are dropper means you have already passed.
You need to choose code 3 as you have passed from karnataka board
This is because,
Karnataka board i. e The Department of Pre-University Education, Karnataka offers Puc
code 3 says it is for those passed their intermediate / pre- degree examination i. e pre university ( Puc) with physics, chemistry, biology/biotechnology and English ,your physics, chemistry and biology/biotechnology should also contain practical exam.
Here's a short brief of Neet codes :-
--------) Code 1 :- code 1 is for class 12th board 2022 examination appearing students with physics, chemistry, biology and English or have have already appeared but results are awaited i. e have not been declared.
--------) Code 2 :- code 2 is for all those who have passed their 10+2/higher /senior secondary/ Indian School Certificate Examination with physics, chemistry, biology/biotechnology and English
--------) Code 3 :- code 3 says it is for those passed their intermediate / pre- degree examination with physics, chemistry, biology/biotechnology and English ,your physics, chemistry and biology/biotechnology should also contain practical exam.
--------) Code 4 :- pre - medical degree with Physics, chemistry and biology/biotechnology after passing hsc i. e 10+2 or puc or equivalent.
--------) Code 5 :- code 5 is for all those who have passed 1 st year graduation with all the three of Physics, chemistry and biology/biotechnology
--------) Code 6 :- code 6 is for all those students who have passed BSc with at least any two of following subjects :-
>>>>chemistry ,
--------) Code 7 :- code 7 is for those who have passed their examination from foreign board which is equivalent of Indian 10+2 board.
For more visit
Thank you
Up board model pepper solve 10th 12th any teachers
Dear aspirant,
Board of high school and intermediate education uttar pradesh releases the UPMSP model paper for 12th science, commerce and arts paper.
Students can solve these papers by downloading it from the link attached below. By solving these papers students would get to know about the weak and strong areas and they could work on it accordingly. Students can also improve their time management issues by solving the papers according to the clock.
For more information you can check out the link given below-
what are the roles and responsibilities of teachers according to right to education Act 2009? Enlist.
The roles and responsibilities are-
- Teachers in the schools have to ensure their regular attendance, completion of curriculum with the specific time, assessing the ability of the child and prescribe special attention if need be, conduct the parent-teacher meeting to appraise overall development of the child.
- There should be one teacher for every 30 students for the class I to V and one teacher for every thirty-five students for class VI to VIII.
Thank you.
how is harvard university, what facilities are there, how are teachers
Hey there,
The Campus
HGSE is located on Appian Way in the heart of Harvard Square. The campus consists of several buildings and is in close proximity to most other Harvard Schools and an abundance of dining and shopping options.
HGSE has 19 classrooms for classes of all sizes. Most classrooms are fully equipped to provide faculty with presentation requirements, from audio and video projection to audio and video capture.
Multimedia Development Lab
The multimedia development lab provides students and faculty with computers set up for a wide variety of media production, including audio and video editing, DVD production, web development, and other applications that might be needed for media-enhanced projects.
Public Computers
Over 100 public PC workstations, located in Gutman Library and elsewhere on campus, are available to the HGSE community. Additionally, students may use PCs and Macs in the General Computing Area (GCA), located on the third floor of Gutman Library, and wireless connectivity is available throughout most of the HGSE campus.
Videoconference Facilities
HGSE features several spaces to conduct high-end videoconferences. Faculty host “virtual guest speakers” in which professionals from various fields visit a class session remotely via a videoconference.
Conference Rooms and Conference Center
HGSE has 26 conference rooms, including a full-service conference center that can be rented by the public for meetings and events.
The Commons at Gutman Library
Enjoy breakfast, lunch, dinner, or a snack at The Commons at Gutman. The Commons' culinary team is proud to offer menu selections such as fresh baked goods, breakfast sandwiches, grilled items and pizza from the stone hearth oven. Recharge with a fresh made salad or home cooked entree in a relaxed cafe setting.
Harvard recruits the best and the brightest—which is as it should be at a research institution. But Harvard is a teaching university as well, and the best and the brightest teach undergraduates every day. The best and the brightest need to learn to teach.
Hope this helps
best of teachers jee mains exam preparation
Hi aspirant,
I am assuming that you are preparing for the JEE main examination online and looking for the Teachers regarding the same. So below I am mentioning the best teachers for the each of those subjects:
Physics - Namo Kaul and Alakh Pandey
Chemistry- Anupam Gupta and Arvind Arora
Mathematics- Sameer Sir and Neha Agarwal
Also to excell in the examination, you are recommended to use our jee main preparation booster package at https://learn.careers360.com/jee-main-rank-booster/ https://learn.careers360.com/jee-main-rank-booster/
Hope it helps!!
helloso my hsc boards are coming and this coaching teachers have arranged the board full syllabus theory exam but the problem is i dont want to give because im not done with my syllabus so should i give these test or not but i myself will practice the question paper once im done with my syllabus
Hi there,
First of all you do not need to take so much pressure. Be calm and relax. If your syllabus is not completed yet then there is no problem. But now you have to do little bit hardwork. You need to complete syllabus in such a way so that you can also practice previous year question paper. It is good that you are saying you will practice paper yourself.
But you should also give exam of your coaching as it will helps you in uunderstanding level of exam and you will know how much you have prepared . It will seriously help you a lot. May be you will get low marks in your coaching exam but it will motivate you to score well in your boards . These mock test are conducted so that you can know your preparation. If you will not give this exam then you will be not able to know your mistakes. So you should give this exam.
Later on you can give this exam again after preparing whole syllabus and then can see your improvement.
But at now you should not fear from exam and should give it.
Hope it helps you
Good luck!
Whats the difference between getting admission and getting a branch? *I find it confusing when teachers say I wont get CS branch in nit/iit if I scored low but I can still get admission if I scored enough.
Hope you age doing well. Getting admission and getting a branch of your choice is different. If you score good marks in the entrance exam you can choose the branch of your choice but if your rank in little high you can get admission but it may not be in the desired branch. As CS is popular branch the rank required for it much lower,
Good luck.
Hello, Sir Im Currently Studying In Indian Institution Of Teachers Education , Gandhinagar. Theres an integrated course of BSC BED, Im doing in final year .after I want to Go St.Xavier College ,Ahmedabad for MSC in physics . so what will be admission process ? can i do job with study? allegebel ?
St. Xavier college, Ahmedabad is a autonomous university affiliated to gujrat university.
You have to fulfil following requirement to take admission in st. Xavier college Ahmedabad
1. candidate must graduate from a recognised university.
2. candidate must do bsc to pursue msc course in the college.
3.no age limit
For admission applications invited Online mode only, candidates should fill all the details and pay entrance fee online then submit the form.admission of candidates is merit based in qualifying examination.
Job with study is difficult dont take too much burden if you can handle then it is okay.