Hello sir I got 16441 rank in icet ,will I get seat in any top universities
You can try for SATAVAHANA university
Ive secured 1978th rank in AP eamcet. In which Universities Im I eligible for taking CSE branch and what are the top Universities in AP.
Hello aspirant, congratulation for your rank ....here are some of the universities suitable for you..go though them and select the best..
- Andhra university, college of engineering--Visakhapatnam
- Jawaharlal Nehru Technological university--Kakinada
- Lenora college of engineering--East godavari
- RVR and JC college of engineering--Guntur
- KL university--Guntur.
I am pursuing 12th in commerce stream. I want to do b.com( H)with ACCA which is best university in India and abroad ..thanks
Hello Rajendra,
The best university for you to get enroll is none other than our own best university which comes under the central government and which is University Of Delhi as I this university's colleges the environment of study is really a gem and the faculty is also very good with respect to others as coming under the reach of government it comes with a very low fees as compared to others.
I hope my answer have helped you and hope you do well in future.
I got 10011 rank in comedk.can I get a seat for btech in cse branch in any top universities.if yes in which universities.
According to general merit cutoffs of COMEDK in year 2018, with a rank of 10011, you can get Computer science and engineering at Dayanand Sagar Academy of technology and management, J.S.S. Academy of Technical Education, C.M.R. University, K.L.E. Technological University. Please note that cutoffs can vary from year to year depending upon factors like number of seats available, number of students appearing for the examination, difficulty level of the paper etc.
I hope it helps.
Sir how many marks I neede to get seat in nit top universities
I get 91 percentile which college in uttarakhand can i get
As per your percentile and previous year cutoff, the colleges you get are:-
Thapar institut eof technology
UIET Kurushetra
Government enginerring college,Uttarakhand
To know more about your chances of getting other colleges check out the college predictor link below:
My acpc merit rank is 8565 which are best university
Hello aspirant. As per your marks and previous years trends, it's recommended to join Raksha Shakti University, as you have high chances of getting CSE department. If you belong to a category who has privilege of reservation, you may get any better college. Best of luck.
Sir please suggest some best universities or colleges in Bangalore b. Tech based on 12 th marks
Dear Nagalla Arvind, There are lots of colleges or university in Bangalore which offers B.Tech, but you have to give the entrance exam of various colleges and university because that is the basic process that every college or university follows to check basic knowledge of the candidate and if you get good marks might be you get scholarships. Some good university or colleges are PES university, Dayanand Sagar, VIT University, New Horizon.
All the best
For doing MS abroad, which of these is best for CSE, SRM institute of science & technology, Chennai or GITAM University, Visakhapatnam?
Hello aspirant!
To be honest, your choice to take up MS abroad will not be effected by the college you take admission in for Btech. If you ask me which is the better college between the two, I would say SRM Chennai is better in all aspects. The college is old and has provide good placements to students. I hope this information was helpful!
I wish you all the very best!
I got 8578 rank in telangana eamcet which colleges might I get? Will I get top universities of Hyderabad? Im from Ap.
Hi Candidate,
As you have not mentioned your caste it is difficult for me to predict the right college for you but I am sure that you will get in one of the colleges under JNTU. You can use the college predictor to make your search more easier.
All the Best.