MCI Full Form

MCI Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 04, 2023 04:01 PM IST

What is Full Form of MCI ?

A statutory agency called the Medical Council of India (MCI) is in charge of creating and upholding high standards for medical education and accepting medical credentials in India. Discover details about the Council, its officers, group chat, acts, rules, revisions, etc. By state, users can obtain information on colleges, programmes, medical seats, hospitals that offer internships, faculty, etc. The Council has forms that can be downloaded. Medical professionals can register with MCI online as well. Dr Jayshreeban Mehta is the president of MCI at the moment.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is Full Form of MCI ?
  2. History
  3. Objective
  4. The Following Documents Are Necessary For The MCI Eligibility Certificate
  5. Current Medical Council Of India Information (MCI)
MCI Full Form
MCI Full Form


The Indian Medical Council Act 1933, which formed the Medical Council of India, was first implemented in 1934. The Indian Medical Council Act 1956, which replaced the older Act, later reformed the Council.

After that, the Board of Governors took authority over the Council's operations, and the President of India replaced it.

The Council was once more reconstituted by notification from the Indian government and is now in operation.


  • To establish universal criteria for pre and post-graduate medical education.

  • Recommendations for the acceptance or recognition of medical degrees from medical schools in India or other countries

  • Professionals with recognised medical credentials may register permanently or provisionally.

The Following Documents Are Necessary For The MCI Eligibility Certificate

  • One authenticated original passport and three copies.

  • Identity verification (original along with self-attested copies).

  • Photos the size of a passport.

  • Mark sheets for grades 10 and 12 (original along with self-attested copies).

  • Certificate of Transfer/Migration from the 10th and 12th grades (original along with self-attested copies).

  • 10th and 12th-grade transcripts from schools attended (original along with self-attested copies).

  • Form of Original Application.

  • The OBC/SC/ST Certificate, if any apply (original along with self-attested copies).

  • Letter of admission from the international medical university

Current Medical Council Of India Information (MCI)

According to the gazette announcement released by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the National Medical Commission (NMC) has taken the Medical Council of India (MCI) role.

  • In 2018, the government abolished the Medical Council of India (MCI) and replaced it with the Board of Governors (BoG), which was headed over by a member of NITI Aayog.

  • The National Medical Commission Act, which went into effect on August 8, 2019, has taken the place of the IMC Act 1956, which was abolished following the publication of the gazette announcement. The NMC will now serve as the nation's primary regulatory body for medical education.

Due to the COVID-19 epidemic, the Medical Council of India approved the use of telemedicine by its licensed medical professionals in April 2020.

Telemedicine treats patients at a distance via video, phone, and app-based communications.

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