PTR Full Form

PTR Full Form

Edited By Team Careers360 | Updated on Jan 05, 2023 04:25 PM IST

What is the full form of PTR ?

Some common full forms of the “PTR” is given below
PTR - Peak Transaction Rate
PTR - Price to Retailer
PTR - Program Trouble Report
Let's have a brief introduction of the above-mentioned full form of “ PTR” in this article.
Also, some other common full forms of the “PTR” are mentioned in the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section.

This Story also Contains
  1. What is the full form of PTR ?
  2. Peak transaction rate
  3. Price to retailer
  4. Program trouble report
  5. Software Trouble Report
PTR Full Form
PTR Full Form

Peak transaction rate

It is defined as the total number of wireless transactions processed by a system during a given interval of time. PTR is an essential customer service management metric. It is mainly used for small and midsize businesses. It allows business owners to view how many requests are being made at any given time. And it is also used to measure if there is enough capacity to handle all those requests without slowing down the system or crashing the system due to overload. PTR is used to identify when a system is reaching its limits, which can cause disruptions like longer wait times and service outages.

Price to retailer

Price to Retailer is defined as the price at which a retailer will purchase goods from a stockist or distributor. This may or may not include GST (Goods and Service Tax). It is calculated if there is a Maximum Retail price, margin percentage, GST (Goods and Service Tax), Retailer margin, and stockist margin.

Program trouble report

Program Trouble Report is the report prepared by either StorageTek(Storage Technology Corporation) or IBM(International Business Machines) to reflect a problem discovered during component testing or the IBM review of deliverables. Program Trouble report is of two types that is Software Trouble Report and other Trouble Report.

Software Trouble Report

During the submission of the Software Trouble Report, we need to include all the required information so that quick action can be taken on the report. During the Software Trouble Report, we need to attempt to reduce the problem to a simple test case and also make sure to minimize the number of compilation units involved. We must include the full contents of the source code text file and source code listings. The required information for the Software Trouble Report is listed below.

  • Name

  • Company and address including phone number and fax number

  • Product version, component, release date, Platform, target host and target operating system, and version number and also release date.

  • Customer Number (Software License Agreement Number)

  • Description of the severity of the problems like all work has stopped, Work can continue without trouble, work can continue with some trouble and full problem description including any source code.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. What is PTR in accounting?

In accounting, PTR stands for “Payment Trace Request”. It is used by the originating depository financial institution (ODFI) to request the receiving depository financial institution (RDFI). It provides information related to the status of the payment like not received, posted, or returned.

2. What is a PTR receipt?

The Professional Tax Receipt is proof of payment of the Professional tax to the province where they can practice their profession. Professionals employed in the government sector are exempted from paying the professional tax.

3. What is the pupil-teacher ratio (PTR)?

Pupil-teacher ratio is the total number of students who attend a school or university program divided by the total number of teachers in the institution. For example, if a student-teacher ratio is 15:2 then it indicates that there are 2 teachers for the 15 students.

4. What is Plant Thermal Reduction (PTR)?

Plant Thermal Reduction is defined as the sum of the plant product shrinkage and allocated process fuel which includes electricity costs and plant losses under the processing agreement. Plant Thermal Reduction of a plant is referred to as loss and its value changes depending on the plant's daily treatment decisions.

5. What is a PTR meeting?

PTR meeting is also known as a Pre-trial review which is held by the court in case of complex litigation. It is a hearing and is fixed to take place up to ten weeks before the date listed for the trial. The main purpose of PTR is to check that the parties have complied with all the previous court orders and directions.

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