For University of Mumbai and its affiliated colleges .. What is the eligibility for bcom and bba?
Here is the eligibility criteria for B. Com and BBA
B. Com
For being eligible for admission to the 3-year degree course leading to the Bachelor of Commerce, a candidate must have passed the Higher Secondary School or Class 12 examination conducted by the different Divisional Boards of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education; or with vocational subjects/minimum competency based vocational course conducted by the different Divisional Boards of the Maharashtra State Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education; or must have passed an examination of another University or Body recognized as equivalent to Higher Secondary School or Class 12 examination.
To be eligible you need to complete your +2. Admission is provided on the basis of entrance exam conducted by each colleges. Each college follow their own entrance exam question patterns. However, some colleges may take admission directly on the basis of you +2 results.
Best of luck
It vary from college to college, some colleges give admission on merit basis other conduct there own entrance test.
To help you better it would be great if you tell me in which college you are interested.
Best of luck