in pgcet i selected choice 2 after 1st round bt i dint payed fees to held the alloted clg if that seat cancled & should i eligible for 2nd round
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Choice 2 implies that you are satisfied with the seat allotted to you however, you wish to participate in subsequent round so you want to hold the seat allotted to you and participate in subsequent round. And the candidates who have opted choice 2 must download the challan and pay the prescribed fee before the last date. The following candidates are eligible to participate in second round of Karnataka PGCET Counselling
- Choice 2 candidates of First Round who have made the payment.
- Choice 3 candidates of First Round.
- Not allotted any seat in First Round
The candidates who are not eligible to participate are
- Candidates who have failed to exercise any choice after allotment of seats in the First Round.
- Candidates who have exercised Choice-2 in the First Round but failed to make the payment for the seat confirmed by them.
- Candidates who have exercised Choice 1 after seat allotment in First Round but failed to collect the Admission Order.
As you haven't paid the prescribed fee you are not eligible to participate in the second round and the seat allotted in first round gets cancelled as you haven't paid the prescribed fee.
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