Is this SET exam giving exam centers to all aspirants?
Candidates will be allotted the SET exam centre in the city of their preference. An applicant can select up to three cities for allotment of test centre and there is no provision to change SET test centre after the submission of the SET 2022application form.
SET 2022is expected to be conducted in 80 cities across India.
Hey aspirant,
Hope you are doing great.
SET exam 2022 will be held on the scheduled date in computer based test (CBT) mode in various test centres across the country. The candidates will be required to sit for the exam along with the admit cards and one identity proof ( driving licence, Adhar card, voter ID, passport).
The SET exam wil be conducted in 15 centres only :
- Mumbai - centre code 10
- Pune- centre code 11
- Kolhapur -centre code 12
- Nashik Centre code 13
- Jalgaon -centre code 14
- Aurangabad -centre code 15
- Nanded-Centre code 16
- Amravati - centre code 17
- Nagpur- Centre code 18
- Goa - centre code 19
- Solapur - centre code 20
- Chandrapur - centre code 23
- Gadchiroli - centre code 24
- Ahmednagar - centre code 25
- Dhule - centre code 26
For more details about the exam-