Sir i am student of class 11th . Can i take part in nda exam 2018?
Hello there!!
Yes,you can write the exam.But even you qualify the exam,you are not eligible for further selection as you won't be in possession of your 12th standard certificates.
But there is no harm in writing the exam as this will serve as a mock test for your future attempts.You will gain a lot of experience which will help you in the future if you again write this exam.
Look there is certain eligibility criteria for NDA exam. First is you have to be min 16 years old to give this exam. Second is by the time of joining NDA you must have your 12 marksheet with you. So in your case as you are 11. So you can give this exam for practice, however you cannot join now.
Hope you find this information useful. Have a great future ahead.
yes, absolutely you can give if you are 16 or above but for admission you need class 12th marksheet.