Which uptu college is better galgotia or jss or kiet or akgec?
These are most famous college of UPTU ( Uttar Pradesh Technical University ) after Government College of UPTU .
Based onInfrastructure , Location .
1.)Galgotiass College
2.)JSS Noida
These are classified on the basis ofPlacement
1.)JSS Noida ( it is a trust college and they provide much better placement any other colleges.)
2.)Gagotiass college ( Galgotia is an industrialist and management of galgotia is also good and they provide good placement but For CS ( Computer Science ) , it provides wonderful placement .)
3.) KIET
4.) AKG
Based on the faculty and facilities
1.) JSS Noida
2.) KIET
3.) AKG
4.) Galgotias College
I think , it is quite enough for you .
Thank you !!!!!
Keep smiling and All the very best for future !!!!!

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