sir i want to participate in tsicet 2 nd counselling but i hv paid d tuition do i hv to cancel d seat n then apply for 2 nd counsel..
Hi Haindavi,
As per the official announcement of TSICET 2018 Counselling, if a candidate has paid the fee, accepted the joining and reported at the allotted college, they can still participate in the subsequent rounds of counselling.
If a seat is allotted as per new option, then the first allotment will be cancelled and candidates will be moved to the new allotted college. You can attend the counselling and if you get a seat in the second round, the first allotment will automatically be cancelled. Check more information about the counselling here – TSICET 2018 Counselling
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Hope that’s helpful. Good luck.
no worries you can also go for the secound counseling also and the old seat which you ahve got in 1st round will also be there if you have not like the seat you have got in another counseling session. all the best have a great future ahead.
TS ICET 2025 Sample Papers with Solutions PDF
This eBook covers the TS ICET 2025 sample papers section wise (Mathematical Ability, Analytical Ability & Communication Ability) along with solutions and answer keys to crack the exam.