I got Rank: 988 in AP LAWCET 2018. Do i need to resister online for the counselling? If yes, Pls send me the link for registration.
Dear Vamsee,
Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Ananthapuramu will conduct counselling of AP LAWCET 2018. The exact dates of the counselling are yet to be announced by the authorities. The same will be updated as soon as they are released on the webpage link given below. You keep a track of all the developments on the webpage link given below.
At present, you can download the rank letter from the website. Also, yes as a part of the counselling process, you will need to register yourself online and follow other instructions as well. You can find all the basic information about how the counselling of AP LAWCET will proceed in the link below. The link to register for counselling will be updated here as soon as it is released.
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Hope it helps.
All the best!