Which chapter is most important for Bio, phys and Chem in Neet 2019?
Here is the list for the important chapters with high waitage
For biology it's divided into two that is zoology and botany starting from zoology
Zoology - human reproduction , evolution, immunity, animal kingdom (only from NCERT)
Botany- plant kingdom, organisms and population, ecosystem, plant reproduction biological classification
This are some very imp chapters with high waitage of biology . Coming to physics and chemistry.
Chemistry- organic (very imp.) , Solutions , chemical bonding (again very very imp) electrochemistry , chemistry in daily life ,.NOTE - do not ignore inorganic chemistry it makes difference during the exam
Physics- laws of motion (v imp) { not many questions ask from this chapter but it's the basic for all the physics chapter don't ignore it} ,,,, optics , work energy and power, electrostatic , current energy
Hope uh are clear now all the best for ur exam
Hello Rahul
Important chapters of Physics based on weightage of marks are
2.System of Particles and Rotational Motion
3.Electric Charges and Fields
4. Electrostatic Potential and Capacitance
5.Current Electricity
6.Electromagnetic Induction
7.Alternating Current
8.Ray Optics and Optical Instruments
9.Wave Optics
10.Semiconductor Electronics
Important chapters of Chemistry based on weightage of marks are
1. Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure
3. Equilibrium
4. Solutions
5. p-Block Elements
6.Coordination Compounds
7. Aldehydes, Ketones and Carboxylic Acids
8.Alcohols, Phenols and Ethers
Important chapters of Biology based on weightage of marks are
1.The Living World
2.Biological Classification
3.Plant Kingdom
4.Animal Kingdom
5.Cell-The Unit of Life
7.Cell Cycle and Cell Division
8.Digestion and Absorption
9.Breating and Exchange of Gases
10.Body Fluids and Circulation
11.Excretory Products and Their Elimination
12.Locomotion and Movement
13. Neural Control and Coordination
14. Principles of Inheritance and Variation
For more information regarding Weightage of marks for chapter wise refer the link below
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