Top careers in future in the world
Are you asking top Engineering Branches? All the branches are good in Engineering it totally depends on your interest and passion. You should choose the branch according to your interest.
Some of the core branches:
CSE: It is not only development & coding but also testing and life-time support, which needs CSE engineers in drove. The major chunk of jobs offered in India, every year, are for CS engineers.
ECE: An electronic engineer can find a job in Consumer electronics manufacturing organization , Telecommunication & IT industries, Internet technologies, Power Electronics, and other industries like steel, petroleum and chemical industry.
EEE: Electrical & Electronics engineers can work in wide range of fields such as power generation, electronics, computers & control systems, telecommunication and Bio-Medical.
ME: India always had robust heavy-manufacturing industries like steel, metal, forging, automobile and mining. All these industries require steady inflow of fresh Mechanical engineering graduates.
Civil Engineering: Civil Engineers are usually required in every field some of them:Government Departments, Local Authorities, Civil Engineering Contractor, Civil Engineering Consultants.
In case you have any other query then let me know.
Good Luck!