Which field should i prefer either engineering or veterinary after 12th?
The field you choose totally depends upon your interests. The both the field you have mentioned are completely opposite.
In case of engineering you will be living life with machines, circuits, buildings, softwares and operating all of them throughout your life. You will be surrounded by wonders made by the mankind.
In case if veterinery you will more or less be engaged with nature and its blessings.
Choose which you find interesting because at the end it is interest that all matters.
However in case of marks and placements, unless you perform well in both the courses, you won't excel. There are equal difficulties, pros and cons in both the field. Choice is yours.
Don't lose hope !!
Best of Luck !!

Dear Shaik both fields are different, the most important that matter to get any field is your interest, first, you have to find out your interest in which field you want to grow your professional carrier both fields are good veterinary is also good field people many prefer engineering because of trends so I suggest you always go towards your interest.
All the best
Act according to your wish. Both engineering and veterinary have good prospects. If you are thinking to be more professional in technical manner with regard to the physical world you can go with engineering. But if you are passionate about animals, want to spend time with them, or feel passion to be a animal doctor or even wish to do research on animals you can select veterinary science.
The advantage of engineering is that there are many branches like mechanical, chemical, electrical, electronics, computer, automobile, aerospace, bio-medical/-technology etc. The available courses in BVSc in not this much diverse, only upto five or six. Whatever you do, think over and over again, respect your will, talk to your parents or friends and choose a final decision by respecting all the conditions lying before you. Be sure that what you wish to do for future won't become a menace-like for you then .