i am getting 493 marks gen category from odisha state. is any chance of me getting bds or hitech medical college. pls reply
As per your query I would like to tell you that last year least marks to secure a seat in SCB dental college and hospital,Cuttack was 499 marks from your category under state quota which means your cances are low of getting seat in government dental college whereas talking about Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Bhubaneswar you have fair chances of getting a seat here as last year least marks to secure a seat was 491 marks from your category. Remember cutoff varies every year depending on number of students appearing in exam, difficulty level of exam, students scoring more than you and your category
To know more about cutoff of various colleges in Odisha click below
Hope this helps
You have scored a mark of 493 in NEET UG 2019. According to previous year cutoffs of different Government medical colleges of Odisha you have probability of getting admission into these colleges under 85% state quota.
Hi-Tech Medical College and Hospital, Bhubaneswar 491 Mark's
Hi-Tech Dental College & hospital, Bhubaneswar 460 Marks
These predictions are based on previous year cutoffs. However cutoffs are subjected to change depending question paper level, No of students appeared etc. For more information kindly go through the link given below
Thank you.