If I get seat for engineering in 1st round ,then will I get medical seat ?
Hi Sampritha,
First of all congratulations to you for securing a seat in engineering.
The fact of the matter is that the counselling process is completely different when it comes to All India Quota wherein for engineering you JEE marks are taken into consideration but for Medicine your NEET marks are looked at. Apart from that individual states have different rules about the counselling process which you need to look up at their individual sites.
So at the end of it all, getting a seat in engineering through JEE doesnt guarantee you a seat in Medicine because that depends on your NEET score and rank.
Keep aspiring and hope you get success. Please revert for any further doubts.

Hello Sampritha.
Both engineering and medical are totally different fields and no one can give you guarantee that if you have got seat in engineering then you will get seat in medical.
Even I would say no IITian Or NITian can say that he/she would have cleared NEET.
But that is not impossible a student good at studies can clear both.
Hopefully my answer helped.
hi sampritha,
please rectify your sentence and elaborate your query
so that we can help you better.
hope this will help
all the best for your future!!!