I am studying UG right now and I would like to prepare for JAM exam can anyone tell me how to prepare for this exam ?
Here, we are providing some beneficial IITJAM2019Preparationtips and tricks that helps the candidate to crack theexam.
IITJAM PreparationTips Mock Test Released. ...
Practice Mock Test. ...
Practice Previous Years Question Paper. ...
Maintain your Health & Remain Stress Free. ...
Syllabus Analysis &ExamPattern. ...
Make Notes.
All the best.
Well, its not that difficult for you to crack the examination if you follow the tips given below :
- First, go with the entire syllabus thoroughly and download or purchase last year papers which is very very important because questions generally come from the fixed topic especially in case of organic chemistry ( if you are from chemistry) but do see papers, don't solve it first but mark the chapters from where it comes and make a list of chapters which come frequently from past years.
- Once you get an idea then start focus on those chapters first and do questions simultaneously so as to cover each and every possible questions on every topic of that chapter. Don't waste time on particular chapter too long.
- After you completed those chapters , come to those chapters which are of generally higher weight age generally comes frequently but if in case it is not then cover those first.
- Next you have to be focussed on those chapters which are easy or I can say that doesn't involve too much theories or consist more of numerical part then cover those because this will help you to score and do side by side those which consist of only theories also.
- Students generally left those theoretical chapters because they are not interested or not find it relevant to learn or I can say they cannot learn. So, do learn those chapters because they are very imp esp if I consider in my chemistry .if you are from other subject then find out from past question papers as I already told you above.
- The most important is solve also IIT-JEE last year papers( this will surely help you and this gonna be a magic box for you because iit jam level question cannot exceed JEE levels as I observed this and my Prof told me the same to do so. Solve this in the month of december or January when you completed your syllabus.
- Don't be demotivated and remember coaching never help anyone so if you are not taking coaching then no problem. Its only you who can clear any exam with your hardwork.
- Practise ,practise, practise,practise .The more you practise questions the better you perform because solving questions helps us to have a clear understanding of that chapter and it also enhances your speed of solving .
- Consider only best books related to your subject especially English author. Dont prefer Indian author books. Questions come directly from English author books miscellaneous questions or solved examples and this is imp part in your preparation. If you are not able to understand some topic then go and search on you tubes or many IIT or IISC Prof. Uploaded their lecturers and its very easy to comprehend.
- You should have a good reference books for your preparations should go with those books only and even you can easily find it on google or any iit websites.
- Clear your doubts with your friends or college professors or you can join crash course where you can solve mock exams and can even clear your doubts.
- Again I say practise and remain positive.
- Aim for top 100 rank because this will get you into good IIT'S.
I hope this would help you. For further queries please feel free to write me down in the comment box.