How can i do smart study for NEET in these last 5 months ?
hi swagat, you still have 5 months time and if you work smart, you can really score well easily, i will tell you how to prepare
Physics and chemistry- physics is considered one of the toughest subject for medical aspirants,but very interesting. choose any good book of your convinience, there are plenty of good books as many mentioned already. read the concepts thoroughly,understand them cover to cover, if you have doubts, clear them then and there. solve atleast 300 to 500 questions per chapter, check ,analyse and rectify your mistakes. solve again. the more you solve the merrier.initially you wont be getting many correct answers, but as you keep on doing am sure you will see your score rising. solve previous question papers too
Biology- in neet around 300 marks are from ncert text book itself,thats how it was when i gave my exam, so u need to thorough ncert first and then read any good book of your choice and solve as many questions as you can, always stay calm , cool and confident,hope this helps good luck buddy

It is now time to revise and boost confidence to optimum, maximal levels. Push through this patch and you will definitely succeed.
- Clarify any concepts that you might have confusion in.
- Formulae should be set in your mind.
- Solve a daily quota of MCQs in each subject everyday with time limit, especially physics and chemistry.
- Online or offline mock tests to help you practice.
- Practice on OMR sheets and ask someone to evaluate your result. Consider negative marking in your score as well.
- Go through papers from previous years and see how you fare on those.
- Rest adequately, sleep in one go for 6-7 hours and not in patches. This will ensure that your mind is fresh. Naps might leave you groggy.
- Keep half hour or so to relax in silence, meditate or just keep mind blank, no thinking during this period to reboot your saturated brain.
- Diet and water intake should not be hampered.
Every tiny factor should favor you on the D-day,
To seize it and just sail through it.
Good luck.
Most Scoring concepts for NEET
This ebook serves as a valuable study guide for NEET exams, specifically designed to assist students in light of recent changes and the removal of certain topics from the NEET exam.
Complete the biology ncert book then continue with physics and chemistry ncert books.
Solve the papers of last 10 years and you are good to go.
Study the concepts in depth, don't read superficially.
Try to clock 100 hours a week.
Maintain your health
Sleep is crucial, else you'll get exhausted before time.
Form a study group, discuss with friends
Stay motivated.
No pain no gain, you won't get this opportunity again. Make the most of it.
Donot waste time, invest time.
Revisions are the most important
It is said that hand written notes are well remembered than printed material, make your own notes, keep reading it again and again
Do as many mock tests as possible.
Hope this helps.
Hi Swagat Kumar Saha
Here are the way how you can start studying smartly for NEET
- Introspect yourself :- make a checklist that what you know already and what you have to know for the NEET. Go through the syllabus once and check your level, that from where you have to start.
- Plan the Journey :- After Introspecting, Start from the very basic and plan out the journey for the whole syllabus a set some deadline for yourself so that you can progress in a pre defined manner.
- Never Give Up :- It is the golden rule to achieve the goal. Build up yourself and your confidence not to give up even in the hardest situation. THink positive, talk to positive people, ask queries, make mistakes and learn from all these things. Stand by your decision and motivate yourself time to time.
Here are Some GOLDEN tips for the preparation of NEET
- Firstly, gather all the details about the officially prescribed syllabus for the examination.
- Make a proper time-table for your preparations.
- Follow the time table strictly and increase your potential day by day.
- Consider the good preparation books and study materials.
- Practice mock test & previous year question papers.
- Make mistakes while practising, and correct them and never repeat them.
- Never give up even at your low time.
- Stay stress free & healthy while preparing for exams.
- Don’t try to include new topics at the end of preparations.
All the best
Do all previous neet questions
Understand their concept
Do as many McQ as possible
But do biology better to score more
What you've got to do is find out how good your grip is on your concepts. How will you do that? Simple, keep practicing questions from some good references and also go through the previous years' papers. Figure out how easy or difficult you find the question papers and work on your weak areas accordingly.
Starting everything from the scratch is not a wise decision at this point of time, so solving questions and mending your weaknesses should help you sort out your purpose.
If u haven't started ur syllabus yet then it's a bit difficult but if u are doing ur preparation regularly then these 5 months are for u to polish ur knowledge .
Even u have enough time to learn if u are weak at any subject .
Revise ur notes again and again and practice questions .
Going though the syllabus again and again will give u confidence and also u will be able to recall answers quickly during exams.
Just revise ur notes and each time u will see the time u need for revision will decrease and ur memory will increase .
For question practicing best way is to star mark those questions which u were not able to solve in first attempt and then when u revise just do them this will save ur time and u won't feel frustrated of doing sane thing again again .
Rest u know urself best so plan according to u.
All the best for exam
Make a timetable , divide topics accordingly and study.
Read Revise Repeat
Solve Question from MTG fingertips and 29 years
Have clear concepts. Because neet has conceptual questions.
All the best
Harshita jain ( CR@ careers 360)