What is the CAT score required for the eligibility?
Let me clear out your doubt regarding the eligibility of cat.
Eligibility for cat
The candidate must have completed his/her graduation (bachelors degree) or passed an equivalent qualifying examination from a recognized college or university.
He/she should have scoredminimum 50% marks (45% for SC/ST/PWD). The bachelors degree must be ofminimum 3 years duration.
CS/CA/ICWA candidates and candidates who are in their final year of college are also eligible to apply.
All you need is your graduation score to write cat paper.
Cat score is the thing that get you seat in your desired mba college so don't get confused about it.
Write a cat exam, get a good percentile and go-to your dreamt college. This is as simple as that.
I wish you all the best.
Cheers !!
After appearing for CAT based on the percentile different colleges have different cutoff percentile and sectional cutoff as well. There is an admission process after declaration of result which includes writing ability tests, Group discussions, Group Activities and personal interviews that are used for final selection.
FMS usually gives calls to around 2000 students so the minimum percentile to get a call is around 98.5 percentile. The shortlisting criteria at FMS Delhi awarded varying sectional weightage to CAT 2016 scores with 40% to VARC; 30% each to DILR & Quant sections. After calculating the CAT 2016 composite scores, the shortlist announced by FMS Delhi.
General category CAT 2016 cut off in FMS Delhi for MBA 2017-19 was a composite score of 52.986
CAT 2024 College Predictor
Know Your Chances for getting Calls from IIMs & other Top MBA Colleges through CAT Percentile, based on your category, academic profile, work-ex & CAT result.
Seeing the weightage you can clearly judge that higher your percentile higher will be the probability fir you to get a call and convert it.
Seeing the few last years trends by getting 98+ percentile you get a call from FMS for interview and extempore round which is very short in comparison to other college's interviews and last only for 5-7 minutes.
But getting 98+ percentile is not enough to convert in FMS. Again from last few years trends you can see that you need to score 99.5+ percentile with a decent interview i.e. scoring atleast 9-10/15 marks can make sure your admission in FMS.
All the best for your preparations and exams!!