How we can score 500 above marks in neet??
Hi Sanchita Rai
This is the very best time to start preparing for NEET, as by this time, you are having a sufficient amount of time to prepare well without any stress and the productivity is maximum in these situations.
Here are Some GOLDEN tips for the preparation of NEET
- Firstly, gather all the details about the officially prescribed syllabus for the examination.
- Make a proper time-table for your preparations.
- Follow the time table strictly and increase your potential day by day.
- Consider the good preparation books and study materials.
- Practice mock test & previous year question papers.
- Make mistakes while practising, and correct them and never repeat them.
- Never give up even at your low time.
- Stay stress free & healthy while preparing for exams.
- Don’t try to include new topics at the end of preparations.
All the Best.
1. Focus on limited books - NCERT + ONE REFERENCE
2. MAKE STUDY plan - Shorter and achievable
3. Solve MCQS daily in a given time period
4. Correct your mistakes during mcqs solving... Dont repeat same mistakes again and again
5. Have patience and be positive
6. Discuss with good friends who can help you stay positive not the one who brings negativity
7. Maintain your health
Above points will definitely help you
Dr Parmanand Agarwal
Career counselor

Most Scoring concepts for NEET
This ebook serves as a valuable study guide for NEET exams, specifically designed to assist students in light of recent changes and the removal of certain topics from the NEET exam.
I would suggest you to go through the below tips - Know the syllabus - The first thing which you need to know is the complete syllabus and accordingly prepare. Important topics- Physics – Optics, Mechanics, Nuclear Physics, Thermodynamics, Chemistry – General Organic Chemistry, Mole Concept, Periodic Table, Coordination Chemistry, Chemical Bonding. Biology – Genetics, Ecology & Environment, Cell Biology, Morphology, Basics of Biotechnology, Reproduction, Physiology of Animals & Plants. Good Study Material - The most important element to prepare for any exam is good study materials as better to choose the standard preparation material. Create a time table as per your schedule - Get a calendar and a diary, set your priorities, set out long study hours. Take care of your health. Don’t sleep during study time. Practice NEET sample papers and previous year’s question paper - All NEET aspirants should do practice on sample and previous years papers as these would be helping them to know the important questions. Prepare notes - The best way to improve memory skills is to prepare notes while studying. Candidates should write down all the important notes in a copy or diary which can be useful for revision before the examination and save a lot of time for them. Online mocks - It would be better if you complete your syllabus till December and keep Jan-Feb for your sample papers and previous year papers and once you are done with these, start doing online mocks because these will be showing you all your weak areas along with actual paper pattern and accordingly you can practice again and this will also teach you time management skill during exam. Apart from all these, better to be confident and do not cram. Books which you can refer - Biology: NCERT Biology of Class XI and XII, Trueman's Biology Vol 1 and 2,Objective Biology by Dinesh, Pradeep Publication's Biology, GRB Bathla's Publication's for Biology. Physics : Concepts of Physics by H. C. Verma NCERT- Physics Part 1 and Part 2 D C Pandey Objective Physics Fundamentals of Physics by Halliday, Resnick and Walker Problems in General Physics by I. E. Irodov. Chemistry: NCERT Chemistry Physical Chemistry by O.P. Tandon Organic Chemistry by Morrison and Boyd for Organic Chemistry Modern’s ABC of Chemistry for class 11th and 12th Concise Inorganic Chemistry by J. D. Lee for Inorganic Chemistry Dinesh Chemistry. You can get sample papers for your practice through below link -
Also, if you talk about cut off then to get seat under AIQ better to get more than 560 and for state seats try to get more than 500 as this would be the safest score to get admission.
Good Luck!!!