techno india university fees structure hostel mess ??btech
Hey Aarav!
Techno India University is a private university in Kolkata which is UGC Approved. The fee structure for the college is different for different courses and also keeps changing almost every year. There are 9 available streams for B.Tech degree and the fees structure for most of those streams is close to Rs. 89200 for first year students and is a bit more for B.Tech CSE students. The hostels are allotted based on allotment policy of the college and not all students prefer to live in them as there is a big network of PGs available close to college campus. There is no reliable information regarding mess and hostel fees, however, the food made available( according to student reviews) at the mess is quite healthy and nutritious. The hostel and mess fees too is close to Rs. 50000 but is relatively low in many cases as the rooms are shared by two or more students.
Hope this helps.

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