Which states are open for neet pg councling and for how many states councling candidate may apply
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Hi aspirant,
Andaman and nicobar islands, andhra pradesh, arunanchal pradesh, assam, bihar, chandigarh, chattisgarh, daman and dui, dehli, dadar and nagar haveli, goa, guajarat, haryana, himachal pradesh, Jand K, UT of Ladakh, jharkhand, Karnataka, kerala, lakhswadeep, maharashtra, madhya pradesh, manipur, meghalaya, mizoram, nagaland, odisha, puducherry, punjab, rajathan, sikkim, tamil nadu, tripura, uttar pradesh, uttrakhand and west bengal are the states open for NEET pg counselling.
You can apply through state counselling in your state only. If you want to get college in any other state you have to get seat through all india quota.
Hope this helps.
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