How we should prepare the nift exam and what upto mark we will get the best college if we get less marks in nift exam do we will get college? then when the nift exam will be conducted on 2021?
For GAT: Just focus on the time and master the time management and it will come only after Practice. So, practice the previous papers as much as you can.
Maths will be easy, 9th, 10th level. Just simple formula and answer.
FOT Cat: Drawing skills will be tested and not only the drawing skills but also your creativity.
SITUATION TEST:— you will be provided with some craft material and you have to develop some prototype related to given topics and use the material creatively.
Coming to the cutoffs then i must tell you that NIFT follows relative system hence predicting it's cutoffs is pretty difficult.
Just go through this link, may be cutoff's issue can be resolved :