how can i get into RCOEM nagpur through management quota?
Ramdeobaba College of Engineering has an institute level quota, which partly resembles the management quota. The major highlights of this kind of courses are as stated below.
1. Candidate can apply only by filling up a form at the institute.
2. The course requires no additional donation to be paid. The candidate just needs to pay the full fee applicable (equivalent to an open category candidate's fee).
3. Candidate would not be eligible to access any scholarship or government (MHRD)schemes.
4. The selection criteria is purely on merit basis. A merit list of candidates who have applied for the course is prepared and seats are alloted accordinvly.
5. The admission process does not have any reservation for category and disabled candidates.
6. 15% of the total number of seats available at the institute are offer for institute level quota
Hope that's helpful
Best of luck